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Re: [Bug-ddrescue] 2 Suggestions (bi-directional retry and user interrup

From: Scott Dwyer
Subject: Re: [Bug-ddrescue] 2 Suggestions (bi-directional retry and user interruption exit code)
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2014 18:08:43 -0500
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On 2/25/2014 8:21 AM, Antonio Diaz Diaz wrote:
I forgot to add the line
#include <csignal>

You may also need a fake "return 0;" after the "std::raise( SIGINT );"

Remember that this patch is just a hack only good for a quick test. It is not correct code.
A very quick test on Fedora with the hacked code seemed to do the trick. Although I still don't have my code the proper way either.

So the compiler obviously needs the "return 0;" to be happy, but the program actually exits on the "std::raise( SIGINT );"? Curious thought, a normal exit will free memory and close open files that were missed by an inexperienced programmer like me. But will this style exit do the same?


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