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version 1.25, ddrescue.info near line 1622

From: Winston
Subject: version 1.25, ddrescue.info near line 1622
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2024 23:25 EDT

Near line 1622 in the ddrescue.info that came with version 1.25,
near the end of section 15 Ddrescuelog, is:

     ddrescuelog -l- -b512 -i63s -o0 -s767457s -b4096 mapfile > badblocks1
     ddrescuelog -l- -b512 -i767520s -o0 -s96520s -b4096 mapfile > badblocks2

Both -b512 and -b4096?  I'm not seeing anything in the description of
"-b" that suggests having both is useful.  The example either needs
fixing or a comment saying why both.

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