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Re: [bug-gawk] zerofile

From: Manuel Collado
Subject: Re: [bug-gawk] zerofile
Date: Wed, 22 May 2013 22:25:45 +0200
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El 22/05/2013 21:48, address@hidden escribió:

So, I still don't completely understand. It looks to me like you're
saying that with the zerofile.awk in the gawk 4.0.2 distribution you
got syntax errors.

The file awklib/eg/lib/zerofile.awk is part of the distribution; it's
extracted automatically from the manual.

For me it works just fine:

...[code listing snipped]...

I downloaded the tarball and did a fresh build just to be sure.

If I misunderstood, then please clarify further.

Arnold, it seems that the OP is using a wrong place to ask. Apparently he doesn't claim about a gawk bug. Instead, he is using the zerofile code as a basis for experiment with the awk language, trying to understand some features. He does so by altering the original code and seeing what happens.

I've already responded to him about the correctness of the original code and the wrong usage of ARGC[something] (in the very first posts of this thread).

Manuel Collado - http://lml.ls.fi.upm.es/~mcollado

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