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Misunderstood, bug or limitation of indexing ENVIRON with "\\1" in gensu

From: Vincent Férotin
Subject: Misunderstood, bug or limitation of indexing ENVIRON with "\\1" in gensub() ?
Date: Fri, 3 Apr 2020 17:37:44 +0200

Hi gawk maintainers!

New to awk/gawk/mawk, I'd like to describe here what could possibly be a bug,
at least a limitation, I encountered in these tools for my basic usage.
Perhaps what follows is not a bug but a miscomprehension of me-as-newbee?
Anyway, thanks in advance for reading this...



Using [gm]awk as a templating/macro engine, following shell commands
do not output what could be expected:

    $ echo "repository=%MY_URL%  # %COMMENT%" |COMMENT="Set repository
URL" MY_URL="http://www.example.com"; awk '{print gensub(/%([_A-Z]+)%/,
ENVIRON["\\1"], "g")}'
    repository=  #

or roughly equivalent:

    $ echo "repository=MY_URL  # COMMENT" |COMMENT="Set repository
URL" MY_URL="http://www.example.com"; awk '{gsub(/[_A-Z]+/,
ENVIRON["&"]); print $0}'
    repository=  #

It seems that "\\1" of gensub() (or "&" for gsub()) is not well escaped
with content providing from what regexp. captured, at least in the context
of indexing ENVIRON. Expected output should be, IMHO and as far as I understand:

    repository=http://www.example.com  # Set repository URL

Versions tested

* gawk:
  - 4.1.4 (Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic)
  - 4.2.1 (Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan)
  - 5.0.1 (Ubuntu 20.04 Focal)
* mawk:
  - 3.3 (Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic & 19.10 Eoan)
  - 3.4.20200120 (Ubuntu 20.04 Focal)


In order to provision some virtual machine with Bash scripts,
I used 'sed' for replacing some paths (string) or
configuration file contents, but fail for some usages, where replaced string
contains some chars. 'sed' could interpret as metachars (such as "/").

I then tried using 'm4', where effective values to replace placeholders are
available as environment variables.
But Debian/Ubuntu packaging seems to have some limitations, notably by disabling
'-W, --word-regexp=REGEXP' option (expected to allow setting
placeholder regexp.,
for e.g. "%([_A-Z]+)%").
Using m4 as is, with its available configuration as chosen by
packaging maintainers,
is feasible:

    $ echo "changecom\nrepository=MY_URL  # COMMENT" | m4

    repository=http://www.example.com  # Set repository URL

but I miss choosing a more robust placeholder delimiters
(I started here by pre- and suffixing them by "%",
but I also could have chosen an other format, such as the more common "${var}").

It seems that this need still exists outside my sole and naïve usage,
see for example:

Note that, outside an alone answer (over a total of 40 (16+24 at time
of this writing)):
no valid answer use awk or one of its derivates!
(NB: This specific answer could probably suffice for my needs...)

Evidences that `gensub(..., ENVIRON["\\1"])` should work

Using "\\1" in gensub() is well escaped:

    $ echo "repository=%MY_URL%  # %COMMENT%" | awk '{print
gensub(/%([_A-Z]+)%/, "( \\1 )", "g")}'
    repository=( MY_URL )  # ( COMMENT )

Passing directly desired var. name to ENVIRON also works:

    $ echo "repository=%MY_URL%" |MY_URL="http://www.example.com"; awk
'{print gensub(/%MY_URL%/, ENVIRON["MY_URL"], "g")}'

`ENVIRON` seems to not accept other expressions as index

Note also that trying to re-write awk script provided by above
StackOverflow answer
described in 
that is:

    'match($0, "[$]{.*}") {var = substr($0, (RSTART + 2), (RLENGTH -
3)); gsub("[$]{"var"}", ENVIRON[var])}1'

into more condensed and adapted to my use case:

    '{gensub(/%([_A-Z]+)%/, ENVIRON[substr("\\1", 1, (length("\\1") -
2))])}'  # gawk
    '{gsub(/%[_A-Z]+%/, ENVIRON[substr("&", 1, (length("&") - 1))]);
print $0}'  # mawk

does not work either.

Search for previous existing occurrences of `gensub(..., ENVIRON["\\1"])`

No occurrence of ``ENVIRON[`` with other type of index than plain
string or variable
were found in:

* `sed and awk Pocket Reference` by Arnold Robbins (O'Reilly, 2002, 2nd ed.)
* `sed & awk` by Dale Dougherty & Arnold Robbins (O'Reilly, 1997, 2nd ed.)
* `Effective awk Programming` by Arnold Robbins (O'Reilly, 2015, 4th ed.)
* `GNU awk - awesome one-liners` by Sundeep Agarwal (version 0.7)
    (pointed recently in HackerNews:
https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22758217 )
* `bug-gawk` archives

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