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Re: [bug-gettext] gnome3 example strings are puzzling

From: Daiki Ueno
Subject: Re: [bug-gettext] gnome3 example strings are puzzling
Date: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 13:07:20 +0900
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Benno Schulenberg <address@hidden> writes:

> In the gettext-examples POT file there are now these:
> msgid "Set label sensitive"
> msgid "Whether to set the label sensitive."
> These strings don't make sense to me.  They are of course
> mere examples, and, lacking any context or real application,
> they are somewhat harder to translate.  But even the strings
> in themselves sound weird to me.
> "Set label sensitive"?  There is a label that is called "sensitive"
> that has to be set?  Something like the label "fragile" on packages?
> Strange, because in most programs the word label refers to a name,
> an identifier, something to recognize something by.  Or is instead
> label-sensitive meant, meaning that the application becomes sensitive
> to labels?  But the second msgid seems to belie that.
> I am not alone in this confusion, because in the Spanish PO file
> the first string has been translated as "Make the label to be
> sensitive".  Whereas the Brazilian seems to say "Make the program
> to be sensitive to label".
> Could someone explain what is being meant?  Or find better,
> clearer example strings?

It was meant to affect the "sensitive" property of GtkWidget:
If it is FALSE, the label will have some kind of "inactive" appearance
(and won't receive any input event).

Yes, I agree it is confusing.  Would it make sense to use other
properties, e.g. "use-markup", so the msgids will look like:

msgid "Use XML markup"
msgid "Whether to use XML markup in the text of the label."

Daiki Ueno

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