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divisibility tests

From: Jason Moxham
Subject: divisibility tests
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 07:25:13 +0000
User-agent: KMail/1.4.1

The divisibilitys tests
mpz_divisible_p and mpz_divisible_ui_p give DIVIDE_BY_ZERO errors
when the denominator is zero.

The usual definition of divisibilty is

a divides b iff there exists a c such that ca=b


mpz_divisible_p(x,z) should return 0

mpz_divisible_p(z,z) should return 1

instead of a DIVIDE_BY_ZERO error

where x is a non-zero mpz varible and z is zero mpz varible

same for mpz_divisible_ui_p and perhaps mpz_congruent's

mpz_divisible is testing that one number is divisible by another , not doing 
any division , so it should not have a DIVIDE_BY_ZERO error.

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