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Re: no good documentation on getting non default section man pages

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: no good documentation on getting non default section man pages
Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 20:29:02 +0200

> From: Dan Jacobson <jidanni@kimo.FiXcomTHiS.tw>
> Newsgroups: gnu.emacs.bug
> Date: 05 Jan 2001 13:26:32 +0800
> Get a Un*x manual page and put it in a buffer.
> This command is the top-level command in the man package.  It runs a Un*x
> command to retrieve and clean a manpage...
> ----------
> which doesn't mention how to get non default sections, nor goes into
> detail about MAN-ARGS as in standard descriptions.

This is fixed in the pretest of the next version, which says:

  To specify a man page from a certain section, type SUBJECT(SECTION) or
  SECTION SUBJECT when prompted for a manual entry.

> Turning to info's File: emacs,  Node: Documentation, again no word on
> avoiding being served with printf(1).

This is also fixed in the manual of the next version, which says:

  Man pages are subdivided into "sections", and some man pages have
  identical names, but belong to different sections.  To read a man page
  from a certain section, type `TOPIC(SECTION)' or `SECTION TOPIC' when
  `M-x manual-entry' prompts for the topic.  For example, to read the man
  page for the C library function `chmod' (as opposed to a command by the
  same name), type `M-x manual-entry <RET> chmod(2v) <RET>' (assuming
  `chmod' is in section `2v').

> It was only thru a guess that I found "ESC x man RET printf(3)" worked.

I'd rather expect you to use "M-x man RET 3 printf RET", since this is
how you request a specific section from the command line.

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