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Re: Emacs Windows NT crashes when loading/evaluating term/w32-win

From: Christoph Conrad
Subject: Re: Emacs Windows NT crashes when loading/evaluating term/w32-win
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 22:18:12 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.090004 (Oort Gnus v0.04) Emacs/21.1 (i686-pc-linux-gnu)

Hello Eli,

you wrote:

    > for that. Perhaps if Christoph knew what that cause might be, he
    > could work around it in the meantime, so as to be able to use
    > NTEmacs until the fixed version is released.

I am using this version all the time ;-) A co-worker made the
experience he couldn't use the mouse when selecting a font
(mouse-set-font version in w32-win).

I don't know what a mouse is (really! :) when using GNU Emacs. I also
have disabled the menu-bar (would be one wasted line of room for

Best regards,
cu, -cc-
=> GNU Emacs Webring @ <http://www.gnusoftware.com/WebRing/> <=
Look Ma, this man can twist his fingers as if they were made of rubber,
isn't that amazing? -- Not really, he's been using emacs for years...!

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