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Re: inconsistent behavior with scroll-margin and scroll-conservatively

From: Andy Grover
Subject: Re: inconsistent behavior with scroll-margin and scroll-conservatively
Date: Sun, 09 Mar 2008 01:25:05 -0800
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080227)

Andy Grover wrote:
> I have scroll-margin set to 5 and scroll-conservatively set to 1000. The
> behavior I want is while arrowing up or down, the screen scrolls by 1
> line, starting 5 rows from the top or bottom. This works fine if
> arrowing up while the bottom of the buffer is not on screen, but if
> arrowing down, then the cursor goes all the way to the last row and
> then scrolls the screen by 5 lines. It also appears to do this even
> while going up if the end of the buffer is visible.

'(show-trailing-whitespace t)

Having this set also seems to be needed to cause the problem.

Regards -- Andy

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