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bug#259: delphi-mode does not properly format interface definitions

From: Simon South
Subject: bug#259: delphi-mode does not properly format interface definitions
Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 12:16:00 -0400
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20080421)

delphi-mode doesn't properly indent interface definition, things like

  IHelloWorld = interface(IInvokable)
    function HelloWorld: String; stdcall;

This is because it doesn't distinguish between the "interface" keyword
used as a unit separator (i.e., as opposed to "implementation") and
used like a class declaration, as above.

As a result, delphi-mode will incorrectly indent the above code this

  IHelloWorld = interface(IInvokable)
function HelloWorld: String; stdcall;

I've taken a stab at updating delphi.el to distinguish between these
cases and support "dispinterface" properly as well (patch below) but I
don't understand the existing code well enough yet to finish it.  (I
suspect more changes need to be made to the delphi-enclosing-indent-of
function.)  Perhaps someone more familiar with this sort of thing
could help me complete it?

In GNU Emacs 22.1.1 (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600)
 of 2007-06-02 on RELEASE
Windowing system distributor `Microsoft Corp.', version 5.1.2600
configured using `configure --with-gcc (3.4) --cflags -Ic:/gnuwin32/include'

*** delphi.el.orig      Thu May 15 17:57:29 2008
--- delphi.el   Fri May 16 12:07:37 2008
*** 262,271 ****
  (defconst delphi-decl-sections '(type const var label resourcestring)
    "Denotes the start of a declaration section.")

  (defconst delphi-class-types '(class object)
    "Class types.")

! (defconst delphi-composite-types `(,@delphi-class-types record)
    "Types that contain declarations within them.")

  (defconst delphi-unit-sections
--- 262,275 ----
  (defconst delphi-decl-sections '(type const var label resourcestring)
    "Denotes the start of a declaration section.")

+ (defconst delphi-interface-types '(dispinterface interface)
+   "Interface types.")
  (defconst delphi-class-types '(class object)
    "Class types.")

! (defconst delphi-composite-types
!   `(,@delphi-class-types ,@delphi-interface-types record)
    "Types that contain declarations within them.")

  (defconst delphi-unit-sections
*** 859,866 ****
        (delphi-stmt-line-indent-of token delphi-indent-level))))

  (defun delphi-composite-type-start (token last-token)
! ;; Returns true (actually the last-token) if the pair equals (= class) or (=
!   ;; record), and nil otherwise.
    (if (and (eq 'equals (delphi-token-kind token))
(delphi-is (delphi-token-kind last-token) delphi-composite-types))
--- 863,870 ----
        (delphi-stmt-line-indent-of token delphi-indent-level))))

  (defun delphi-composite-type-start (token last-token)
! ;; Returns true (actually the last-token) if the pair equals (= class), (=
!   ;; interface), or (= record), and nil otherwise.
    (if (and (eq 'equals (delphi-token-kind token))
(delphi-is (delphi-token-kind last-token) delphi-composite-types))
*** 1252,1258 ****
            (throw 'done (delphi-line-indent-of token 0)))

           ;; Unit statements mean we indent right to the left.
!          ((delphi-is token-kind delphi-unit-statements) (throw 'done 0))
          (unless (delphi-is token-kind delphi-whitespace)
             (setq last-token token))
--- 1256,1264 ----
            (throw 'done (delphi-line-indent-of token 0)))

           ;; Unit statements mean we indent right to the left.
!          ((and (delphi-is token-kind delphi-unit-statements)
!                (not (delphi-composite-type-start token last-token)))
!           (throw 'done 0))
          (unless (delphi-is token-kind delphi-whitespace)
             (setq last-token token))
*** 1351,1357 ****

           ;; In unit sections we indent right to the left.
!          ((delphi-is token-kind delphi-unit-sections) (throw 'done 0))

           ;; A previous terminator means we can stop.
           ((delphi-is token-kind delphi-previous-terminators)
--- 1357,1365 ----

           ;; In unit sections we indent right to the left.
!          ((and (delphi-is token-kind delphi-unit-sections)
!                (not (delphi-is token-kind delphi-interface-types)))
!           (throw 'done 0))

           ;; A previous terminator means we can stop.
           ((delphi-is token-kind delphi-previous-terminators)
*** 1457,1463 ****
                     ;; Indent to the matching start ( or [.
                     (delphi-indent-of (delphi-group-start token)))

!                   ((delphi-is token-kind delphi-unit-statements) 0)

                    ((delphi-is token-kind delphi-comments)
                     ;; In a comment.
--- 1465,1475 ----
                     ;; Indent to the matching start ( or [.
                     (delphi-indent-of (delphi-group-start token)))

!                   ((and (delphi-is token-kind delphi-unit-statements)
!                         (not
!                          (delphi-is token-kind delphi-interface-types)))
!                         1)
!                    0)

                    ((delphi-is token-kind delphi-comments)
                     ;; In a comment.

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