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bug#319: 23.0.60; on Mac OS X 'make bootstrap' fails with: unexec: not e

From: Peter Dyballa
Subject: bug#319: 23.0.60; on Mac OS X 'make bootstrap' fails with: unexec: not enough room for load commands for new __DATA segments
Date: Mon, 26 May 2008 22:34:38 +0200


When I build GNU Emacs after a 'make clean' followed by a CVS update, 'make bootstrap' fails with:

        Loading ..../emacs/lisp/vc-hooks.el (source)...
        Loading ..../emacs/lisp/ediff-hook.el (source)...
        Loading ..../emacs/lisp/tooltip.el (source)...
((286544 . 9637) (13931 . 2) (654 . 171) 2024128 1310569 (109 . 2) (23 . 70) (30710 . 11374))
        Finding pointers to doc strings...
        Finding pointers to doc strings...done
        Dumping under names emacs and emacs-23.0.60
        --- List of All Regions ---
           address     size prot maxp
                 0   0x1000 none none
            0x1000 0x33e000 r x  rwx
          0x33f000 0x138000 rw   rwx
          0x477000  0x3f000 rw   rwx
          0x4b6000  0x7e000 r    rwx
          0x534000  0x10000 r x  rwx
          0x544000   0x1000 rw   rwx
          0x545000   0x6000 r    rwx
          0x54b000  0x42000 r x  rwx
          0x58d000   0x3000 rw   rwx
          0x590000   0x1000 rw   rwx
          0x591000  0x10000 r    rwx
          0x5a1000   0x6000 r x  rwx
          0x5a7000   0x1000 rw   rwx
          0x5a8000   0x2000 r    rwx
          0x5aa000  0x10000 r x  rwx
          0x5ba000   0x1000 rw   rwx
          0x5bb000   0x2000 rw   rwx
          0x5bd000   0x4000 r    rwx
          0x5c1000   0xd000 r x  rwx
          0x5ce000   0x1000 rw   rwx
          0x5cf000   0x4000 r    rwx
          0x5d3000  0x1e000 r x  rwx
          0x5f1000   0x1000 rw   rwx
          0x5f2000   0x5000 r    rwx
          0x5f7000   0x2000 r x  rwx
          0x5f9000   0x1000 rw   rwx
          0x5fa000   0x1000 r    rwx
          0x5fb000   0x5000 rw   rwx
          0x600000 0x105000 rw   rwx
          0x705000  0x4d000 r x  rwx
          0x752000   0x2000 rw   rwx
          0x754000  0x94000 r    rwx
          0x7e8000   0x7000 r x  rwx
          0x7ef000   0x1000 rw   rwx
          0x7f0000  0x10000 r    rwx
          0x800000 0x808000 rw   rwx
         0x1008000  0x34000 r x  rwx
         0x103c000   0x6000 rw   rwx
         0x1042000  0x12000 rw   rwx
         0x1054000 0x120000 r    rwx
         0x1174000  0x1e000 r x  rwx
         0x1192000   0x1000 rw   rwx
         0x1193000  0x5c000 r    rwx
         0x11ef000   0xc000 r x  rwx
         0x11fb000   0x1000 rw   rwx
         0x11fc000   0x3000 r    rwx
         0x11ff000  0xca000 r x  rwx
         0x12c9000   0x4000 rw   rwx
         0x12cd000  0x24000 r    rwx
         0x12f1000   0xe000 r x  rwx
         0x12ff000   0x1000 rw   rwx
         0x1300000   0x4000 r    rwx
         0x1304000  0x43000 r x  rwx
         0x1347000   0x4000 rw   rwx
         0x134b000   0x1000 rw   rwx
         0x134c000   0xd000 r    rwx
         0x1359000   0x7000 r x  rwx
         0x1360000   0x1000 rw   rwx
         0x1361000   0x2000 r    rwx
         0x1363000  0x1c000 r x  rwx
         0x137f000   0x3000 rw   rwx
         0x1382000   0x1000 rw   rwx
         0x1383000   0xa000 r    rwx
         0x138d000  0x28000 r x  rwx
         0x13b5000   0x1000 rw   rwx
         0x13b6000  0x85000 r    rwx
        --- List of Regions to be Dumped ---
           address     size prot maxp
                 0   0x1000 none none
            0x1000 0x33e000 r x  rwx
          0x33f000 0x177000 rw   rwx
          0x4b6000  0x7e000 r    rwx
          0x534000  0x10000 r x  rwx
          0x544000   0x1000 rw   rwx
          0x545000   0x6000 r    rwx
          0x54b000  0x42000 r x  rwx
          0x58d000   0x4000 rw   rwx
          0x591000  0x10000 r    rwx
          0x5a1000   0x6000 r x  rwx
          0x5a7000   0x1000 rw   rwx
          0x5a8000   0x2000 r    rwx
          0x5aa000  0x10000 r x  rwx
          0x5ba000   0x3000 rw   rwx
          0x5bd000   0x4000 r    rwx
          0x5c1000   0xd000 r x  rwx
          0x5ce000   0x1000 rw   rwx
          0x5cf000   0x4000 r    rwx
          0x5d3000  0x1e000 r x  rwx
          0x5f1000   0x1000 rw   rwx
          0x5f2000   0x5000 r    rwx
          0x5f7000   0x2000 r x  rwx
          0x5f9000   0x1000 rw   rwx
          0x5fa000   0x1000 r    rwx
          0x5fb000 0x10a000 rw   rwx
          0x705000  0x4d000 r x  rwx
          0x752000   0x2000 rw   rwx
          0x754000  0x94000 r    rwx
          0x7e8000   0x7000 r x  rwx
          0x7ef000   0x1000 rw   rwx
          0x7f0000  0x10000 r    rwx
          0x800000 0x808000 rw   rwx
         0x1008000  0x34000 r x  rwx
         0x103c000  0x18000 rw   rwx
         0x1054000 0x120000 r    rwx
         0x1174000  0x1e000 r x  rwx
         0x1192000   0x1000 rw   rwx
         0x1193000  0x5c000 r    rwx
         0x11ef000   0xc000 r x  rwx
         0x11fb000   0x1000 rw   rwx
         0x11fc000   0x3000 r    rwx
         0x11ff000  0xca000 r x  rwx
         0x12c9000   0x4000 rw   rwx
         0x12cd000  0x24000 r    rwx
         0x12f1000   0xe000 r x  rwx
         0x12ff000   0x1000 rw   rwx
         0x1300000   0x4000 r    rwx
         0x1304000  0x43000 r x  rwx
         0x1347000   0x5000 rw   rwx
         0x134c000   0xd000 r    rwx
         0x1359000   0x7000 r x  rwx
         0x1360000   0x1000 rw   rwx
         0x1361000   0x2000 r    rwx
         0x1363000  0x1c000 r x  rwx
         0x137f000   0x4000 rw   rwx
         0x1383000   0xa000 r    rwx
         0x138d000  0x28000 r x  rwx
         0x13b5000   0x1000 rw   rwx
         0x13b6000  0x85000 r    rwx
        --- Header Information ---
        Magic = 0xfeedface
        CPUType = 18
        CPUSubType = 11
        FileType = 0x2
        NCmds = 40
        SizeOfCmds = 3280
        Flags = 0x0000208d
        Highest address of load commands in input file: 0x534000
        Lowest offset of all sections in __TEXT segment:   0x1380
        --- List of Load Commands in Input File ---
        # cmd              cmdsize name                address     size
        0 LC_SEGMENT             56 __PAGEZERO                0   0x1000
        1 LC_SEGMENT            668 __TEXT               0x1000 0x33e000
                                   __text               0x2380 0x3201b4
                                   __symbol_stub      0x322534        0
                                   __picsymbol_stub   0x322534        0
                                   __symbol_stub1     0x322540     0x30
                                   __cstring          0x322570  0x174cc
                                   __picsymbolstub1   0x339a40   0x4960
                                   __literal8         0x33e3a0    0x108
                                   __const            0x33e4a8    0x124
                                   __literal4         0x33e5cc     0x10
        2 LC_SEGMENT            532 __DATA             0x33f000 0x177000
                                   __data             0x33f000 0x135538
                                   __nl_symbol_ptr    0x474538   0x1834
                                   __la_symbol_ptr    0x475d6c    0x934
                                   __dyld             0x4766a0      0x8
                                   __const            0x4766a8     0x28
                                   __bss              0x4766d0  0x33874
                                   __common           0x4a9f50   0xbcc0
        3 LC_SEGMENT             56 __LINKEDIT         0x4b6000  0x7e000
        4 LC_LOAD_DYLINKER       28
        5 LC_LOAD_DYLIB          52
        6 LC_LOAD_DYLIB          56
        7 LC_LOAD_DYLIB          56
        8 LC_LOAD_DYLIB          56
        9 LC_LOAD_DYLIB          56
        10 LC_LOAD_DYLIB          56
        11 LC_LOAD_DYLIB          48
        12 LC_LOAD_DYLIB          52
        13 LC_LOAD_DYLIB          52
        14 LC_LOAD_DYLIB          48
        15 LC_LOAD_DYLIB          52
        16 LC_LOAD_DYLIB          48
        17 LC_LOAD_DYLIB          56
        18 LC_LOAD_DYLIB          56
        19 LC_LOAD_DYLIB          56
        20 LC_LOAD_DYLIB          60
        21 LC_LOAD_DYLIB          60
        22 LC_LOAD_DYLIB          64
        23 LC_LOAD_DYLIB          52
        24 LC_LOAD_DYLIB          60
        25 LC_LOAD_DYLIB          56
        26 LC_LOAD_DYLIB          56
        27 LC_LOAD_DYLIB          52
        28 LC_LOAD_DYLIB          48
        29 LC_LOAD_DYLIB          52
        30 LC_LOAD_DYLIB          52
        31 LC_LOAD_DYLIB          52
        32 LC_LOAD_DYLIB          60
        33 LC_LOAD_DYLIB          48
        34 LC_LOAD_DYLIB          48
        35 LC_SYMTAB              24
        36 LC_DYSYMTAB            80
        37 LC_TWOLEVEL_HINTS      16
        38 LC_UUID                24
        39 LC_UNIXTHREAD         176
         0x3a00000 (sz:   0x4004/  0x5000)
         0x3900000 (sz: 0x100000/0x100000)
         0x3c00000 (sz:   0x4004/  0x5000)
         0x3b00000 (sz: 0x100000/0x100000)
         0x3e00000 (sz:   0x4004/  0x5000)
         0x3d00000 (sz: 0x100000/0x100000)
         0x4a00000 (sz:   0x4004/  0x5000)
         0x4900000 (sz:  0xffff4/0x100000)
         0x4c00000 (sz:   0x4004/  0x5000)
         0x4b00000 (sz: 0x100000/0x100000)
         0x4e00000 (sz:   0x4004/  0x5000)
         0x4d00000 (sz:  0xffff4/0x100000)
         0x5000000 (sz:   0x2815/  0x5000)
         0x4f00000 (sz:  0x40834/0x100000)
         0x3800000 (sz:   0x8000/  0x8000)
         0x3000000 (sz: 0x800000/0x800000)
         0x4800000 (sz:   0x4e14/  0x8000)
         0x4000000 (sz: 0x4e11f0/0x800000)
         0x1ff6000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1ff1000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1fec000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1fe7000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1fe2000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1fdd000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1fd8000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1fd3000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1fcd000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1fc8000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1fc3000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1fbe000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1fb6000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1fae000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1fa9000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1fa4000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1f9c000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1f97000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1f92000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1f8d000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1f88000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1f83000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1f7e000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1f77000 (sz:   0x611c/  0x7000)
         0x1f70000 (sz:   0x6110/  0x7000)
         0x1f61000 (sz:   0xd9d3/  0xf000)
         0x1f53000 (sz:   0xd482/  0xe000)
         0x1f47000 (sz:   0xbf42/  0xc000)
         0x1f42000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2f3d000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1f3d000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2f38000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1f38000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1f33000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2f2d000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1f2e000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1f29000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2f23000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1f24000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2f1b000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1f1f000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1f1a000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2f13000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1f15000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2f0e000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1f10000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2f09000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1f0b000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2f04000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1f06000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2eff000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1f01000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2efa000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1efc000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2ef5000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1ef7000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2ef0000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1ef2000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2eeb000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1eed000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2ee6000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1ee8000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2ee1000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1ee3000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2edc000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1ede000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2ed7000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1ed9000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2ed2000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1ed4000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2ecd000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1ecf000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2ec8000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1eca000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1ec5000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2ec0000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1ec0000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2ebb000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1ebb000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2eb6000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1eb5000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2eaf000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1eb0000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2eaa000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1eab000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2ea5000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1ea6000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2ea0000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1ea1000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2e9b000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1e9c000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2e96000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1e97000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2e90000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1e92000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2e8b000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1e8d000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2e86000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2e81000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1e82000 (sz:   0xaa03/  0xb000)
         0x2e7c000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2e77000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2e72000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2e6d000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2e68000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2e63000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2e5e000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2e59000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2e54000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2e4f000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2e4a000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2e45000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2e40000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2e3b000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2e36000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2e31000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2e2c000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2e27000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2e22000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2e0e000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2e05000 (sz:     0x74/  0x9000)
          0x5fb000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x28f7000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x28f2000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x28ed000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x28e8000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x28e3000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x28de000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x28d9000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x28d4000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x28cf000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x28ca000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x28c4000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x28bf000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x28ba000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x28b5000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x28b0000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x28ab000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x28a6000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x28a1000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x289c000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2893000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x288a000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2885000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2880000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x287b000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2876000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2871000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x286c000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2867000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2862000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x285d000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2858000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2853000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x284e000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2849000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2844000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x283f000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x283a000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2835000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2830000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x282b000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2826000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2821000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x281c000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2817000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2812000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x280d000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x2808000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
         0x1ffb000 (sz:   0x3fff/  0x5000)
        --- Load Commands written to Output File ---
Writing segment __PAGEZERO @ 0 ( 0/ 0x1000 @ 0) Writing segment __TEXT @ 0 (0x33e000/0x33e000 @ 0x1000) Writing segment __DATA @ 0x33e000 (0x177000/0x177000 @ 0x33f000)
                section __data           at 0x33e000 - 0x473538 (sz: 0x135538)
                section __nl_symbol_ptr  at 0x473538 - 0x474d6c (sz:   0x1834)
                section __la_symbol_ptr  at 0x474d6c - 0x4756a0 (sz:    0x934)
                section __dyld           at 0x4756a0 - 0x4756a8 (sz:      0x8)
                section __const          at 0x4756a8 - 0x4756d0 (sz:     0x28)
                section __bss            at 0x4756d0 - 0x4a8f44 (sz:  0x33874)
                section __common         at 0x4a8f50 - 0x4b4c10 (sz:   0xbcc0)
Writing segment __DATA @ 0x4b5000 ( 0x3fff/ 0x5000 @ 0x5fb000) Writing segment __DATA @ 0x4b9000 ( 0x36fff/ 0x38000 @ 0x1e82000) Writing segment __DATA @ 0x4f0000 ( 0xe4fff/ 0xe6000 @ 0x1ebb000) Writing segment __DATA @ 0x5d5000 ( 0xdfff/ 0xf000 @ 0x1fa4000) Writing segment __DATA @ 0x5e3000 ( 0x3fff/ 0x5000 @ 0x1fb6000) Writing segment __DATA @ 0x5e7000 ( 0x12fff/ 0x14000 @ 0x1fbe000) Writing segment __DATA @ 0x5fa000 ( 0x2bfff/ 0x2d000 @ 0x1fd3000) Writing segment __DATA @ 0x626000 ( 0x85fff/ 0x87000 @ 0x2808000) Writing segment __DATA @ 0x6ac000 ( 0x3fff/ 0x5000 @ 0x2893000) Writing segment __DATA @ 0x6b0000 ( 0x2bfff/ 0x2d000 @ 0x289c000) Writing segment __DATA @ 0x6dc000 ( 0x30fff/ 0x32000 @ 0x28ca000) Writing segment __DATA @ 0x70d000 ( 0x74/ 0x9000 @ 0x2e05000) Writing segment __DATA @ 0x70e000 ( 0x3fff/ 0x5000 @ 0x2e0e000) Writing segment __DATA @ 0x712000 ( 0x71fff/ 0x73000 @ 0x2e22000) Writing segment __DATA @ 0x784000 ( 0x1cfff/ 0x1e000 @ 0x2e96000) Writing segment __DATA @ 0x7a1000 ( 0xdfff/ 0xf000 @ 0x2eb6000) Writing segment __DATA @ 0x7af000 ( 0x4efff/ 0x50000 @ 0x2ec8000) Writing segment __DATA @ 0x7fe000 ( 0x3fff/ 0x5000 @ 0x2f1b000) Writing segment __DATA @ 0x802000 ( 0x3fff/ 0x5000 @ 0x2f23000) Writing segment __DATA @ 0x806000 ( 0x3fff/ 0x5000 @ 0x2f2d000) Writing segment __DATA @ 0x80a000 ( 0x8fff/ 0xa000 @ 0x2f38000) Writing segment __DATA @ 0x813000 (0x808000/0x808000 @ 0x3000000) Writing segment __DATA @ 0x101b000 (0x104004/0x105000 @ 0x3900000) Writing segment __DATA @ 0x1120000 (0x104004/0x105000 @ 0x3b00000) Writing segment __DATA @ 0x1225000 (0x104004/0x105000 @ 0x3d00000) Writing segment __DATA @ 0x132a000 (0x4e11f0/0x800000 @ 0x4000000) Writing segment __DATA @ 0x180c000 ( 0x4e14/ 0x8000 @ 0x4800000) Writing segment __DATA @ 0x1811000 (0x104004/0x105000 @ 0x4900000) Writing segment __DATA @ 0x1916000 (0x104004/0x105000 @ 0x4b00000) Writing segment __DATA @ 0x1a1b000 (0x104004/0x105000 @ 0x4d00000) Writing segment __DATA @ 0x1b20000 ( 0x40834/0x100000 @ 0x4f00000) Writing segment __DATA @ 0x1b61000 ( 0x2815/ 0x5000 @ 0x5000000) Writing segment __LINKEDIT @ 0x1b64000 ( 0x7d73c/ 0x7e000 @ 0x4b6000)
        Writing LC_LOAD_DYLINKER  command
        Writing LC_LOAD_DYLIB     command
        Writing LC_LOAD_DYLIB     command
        Writing LC_LOAD_DYLIB     command
        Writing LC_LOAD_DYLIB     command
        Writing LC_LOAD_DYLIB     command
        Writing LC_LOAD_DYLIB     command
        Writing LC_LOAD_DYLIB     command
        Writing LC_LOAD_DYLIB     command
        Writing LC_LOAD_DYLIB     command
        Writing LC_LOAD_DYLIB     command
        Writing LC_LOAD_DYLIB     command
        Writing LC_LOAD_DYLIB     command
        Writing LC_LOAD_DYLIB     command
        Writing LC_LOAD_DYLIB     command
        Writing LC_LOAD_DYLIB     command
        Writing LC_LOAD_DYLIB     command
        Writing LC_LOAD_DYLIB     command
        Writing LC_LOAD_DYLIB     command
        Writing LC_LOAD_DYLIB     command
        Writing LC_LOAD_DYLIB     command
        Writing LC_LOAD_DYLIB     command
        Writing LC_LOAD_DYLIB     command
        Writing LC_LOAD_DYLIB     command
        Writing LC_LOAD_DYLIB     command
        Writing LC_LOAD_DYLIB     command
        Writing LC_LOAD_DYLIB     command
        Writing LC_LOAD_DYLIB     command
        Writing LC_LOAD_DYLIB     command
        Writing LC_LOAD_DYLIB     command
        Writing LC_LOAD_DYLIB     command
        Writing LC_SYMTAB command
        Fixed up 104/104 external relocation entries in data segment.
        Writing LC_DYSYMTAB command
        Writing LC_TWOLEVEL_HINTS command
        Writing LC_UUID           command
        Writing LC_UNIXTHREAD     command
        unexec: not enough room for load commands for new __DATA segments
        make[2]: *** [bootstrap-emacs] Error 1
        make[2]: Target `bootstrap' not remade because of errors.
        make[1]: *** [bootstrap-build] Error 2
        make: *** [bootstrap] Error 2

In GNU Emacs (powerpc-apple-darwin8.11.0, X toolkit, Xaw3d scroll bars)
 of 2008-05-23 on Latsche.local
Windowing system distributor `The XFree86 Project, Inc', version 11.0.40400000 configured using `configure '--without-sound' '--without-pop' '-- with-dbus' '--with-libotf' '--with-x-toolkit=athena' '--enable- locallisppath=/Library/Application Support/Emacs/calendar23:/Library/ Application Support/Emacs/caml:/Library/Application Support/Emacs:/sw/ share/emacs21/site-lisp/elib' 'PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/sw/lib/freetype219/ lib/pkgconfig:/sw/lib/fontconfig2/lib/pkgconfig:/sw/lib/qt4-x11/lib/ pkgconfig:/sw/lib/pkgconfig:/sw/share/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/pkgconfig:/ usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/X11R6/lib/pkgconfig' 'CFLAGS=-ggdb - gfull -H -Wno-pointer-sign -bind_at_load -pipe -fPIC -mcpu=7450 - mtune=7450 -mno-powerpc64 -O0 -mpim-altivec -ftree-vectorize -fno- crossjumping' 'CPPFLAGS=-no-cpp-precomp -I/sw/include -I/usr/local/ include -idirafter /usr/X11R6/include' 'LDFLAGS=-bind_at_load - dead_strip -multiply_defined suppress -L/sw/lib/ncurses -L/sw/lib -L/ usr/local/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib''

Important settings:
  value of $LC_ALL: nil
  value of $LC_COLLATE: nil
  value of $LC_CTYPE: de_DE.UTF-8
  value of $LC_MESSAGES: nil
  value of $LC_MONETARY: nil
  value of $LC_NUMERIC: nil
  value of $LC_TIME: nil
  value of $LANG: de_DE.UTF-8
  value of $XMODIFIERS: nil
  locale-coding-system: utf-8-unix
  default-enable-multibyte-characters: t

Major mode: Emacs-Lisp

Minor modes in effect:
  shell-dirtrack-mode: t
  show-paren-mode: t
  display-time-mode: t
  tooltip-mode: t
  tool-bar-mode: t
  mouse-wheel-mode: t
  file-name-shadow-mode: t
  global-font-lock-mode: t
  font-lock-mode: t
  blink-cursor-mode: t
  global-auto-composition-mode: t
  auto-composition-mode: t
  auto-encryption-mode: t
  auto-compression-mode: t
  column-number-mode: t
  line-number-mode: t
  transient-mark-mode: t

Mit friedvollen Grüßen


Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
                                – Rich Cook

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