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bug#6546: win32 grep/shell utf-8 encoding

From: Laimonas Vėbra
Subject: bug#6546: win32 grep/shell utf-8 encoding
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2010 00:48:28 +0300
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100701 SeaMonkey/2.0.6

Eli Zaretskii wrote:
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2010 21:24:12 +0300
From: Laimonas Vėbra<laimonas.vebra@gmail.com>
Cc: 6546@debbugs.gnu.org

The problem is not here. I can change the encoding of the command string
(which is passed to external cygwin apps) using
coding-system-for-write. It works (converted correctly utf-8->cp1257,
cp1251, etc), but it doesn't help, because of the way the args (command
line) are passed/transcoded through the winapi (CreateProcessA) and
cygwin layer.

Did you try to add a suitably-valued LANG variable to
process-environment?  That would at least force Cygwin executables to
work in the Windows codepage.

The only way it works is when i set LANG process-environment variable to the current windows locale codepage and 'coding-system-for-write' to the encoding/charset in which i'd like to grep. That way it works, but i'm not sure (seriously doubt) if LANG/locale codepage, which differs from the actual args encoding, won't result in any ugly problems/bugs (e.g. sorting, piping to other apps) If it really won't and this setup is "as it should be, intended", then this bug could be closed.

This bug is related to bug#6705 (there are detailed description of
what's happening)

Then please merge them.

How can i do that?

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