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bug#6851: Documentation: `make-hash-table' "add that many space"

Subject: bug#6851: Documentation: `make-hash-table' "add that many space"
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2010 00:52:02 -0400

On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 8:39 PM, Chong Yidong <cyd@stupidchicken.com> wrote:
> Thanks.  I checked in a fix.  The "number of spaces" is the nominal size
> of the hash table, defined in the preceding part of the docstring.

Yes. My point is was that "space" is a loaded term, esp. w/re hashes.

Also, I noticed this:

| {...}
| :rehash-threshold THRESHOLD -- THRESHOLD must a float > 0, and <= 1.0.
| Resize the hash table when the ratio (number of entries / table size)
| is greater or equal than THRESHOLD.  Default is 0.8.
| {...}

"is greater or equal than THRESHOLD.  Default is 0.8."

Maybe better as:

"is greater than or equal to THRESHOLD. Default is 0.8."

Appears through Bzr-101073


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