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bug#7822: 24.0.50; `fit-window-to-buffer': take display artefacts into a

From: Lennart Borgman
Subject: bug#7822: 24.0.50; `fit-window-to-buffer': take display artefacts into account
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2011 03:14:51 +0100

I started writing a solution for this (could we please move the
discussion here?). It is not ready, but I paste it here for comments.
The part currently fails because window-line-height returns nil -
which I think is another Emacs bug.

Anyway here is what I have written so far:

(defun winsize-fit-window-to-buffer (&optional window max-height min-height)
  "A more complete `fit-window-to-buffer'. Fix-me: not ready, bug# 7822.
Find through an iterative search minimal height to display whole
buffer \(narrowed part if narrowed) and set window height to that
height.  Or, if that can not be done then set the height to the
best possible height for fit.

Try first to adjust window below and if that is not enough window
  (let* ((window (or window (selected-window)))
         (frm (window-frame window))
         (frm-height (frame-height frm))
         (above (windmove-find-other-window 'up   nil window))
         (below (windmove-find-other-window 'down nil window))
         ;;(wcfg (current-window-configuration frm))
         (eob-in-win (= (window-end window t) (point-max)))
         (curh (window-height window))
         (minh (if (not eob-in-win)
                 (or min-height window-min-height)))
         (orig-minh minh)
         (maxh (if eob-in-win
                 (or max-height frm-height)))
         (orig-maxh maxh)
    (when (window-minibuffer-p below)
      (setq below nil))

    (when (or above below)
      (with-current-buffer (window-buffer window)
        (setq here (point))

        ;; First try resizing window below.
        (when below
          (while (and (not done) (> maxh minh))
            (setq midh (+ minh (/ (- maxh minh) 2)))
            (let* ((winh (window-height window))
                   (delta (- midh winh))
              (condition-case err
                    (adjust-window-trailing-edge window delta nil)
                    (setq did-it t))
                 (message "%S" err)))
              (if did-it
                    (goto-char (point-min))
                    ;; Fix-me: This unfortunately returns t even if
                    ;; the last line is partly hidden (test example
                    ;; help for posn-at-x-y):
                    (setq eob-in-win (= (window-end window t) (point-max)))
                    ;; So let us try another way to check if eob is in window:
                    (let* ((edges (window-inside-pixel-edges))
                           (left (1+ (nth 0 edges)))
                           (bottom (1- (nth 3 edges))))
                      (setq eob-in-win
                            (= (point-max)
                               (posn-point (posn-at-x-y left bottom frm)))))
                    (if eob-in-win
                        ;; Fix-me: This assumes that posn-at-point is
                        ;; relative to window text area.
                        (let* ((loc (event-end (posn-at-point
(point-max) window)))
                               (loc-bottom (cdr loc))
                               (edges (window-inside-pixel-edges window))
                               (win-top (nth 1 edges))
                               (win-bottom (nth 3 edges))
                               (win-rel-bottom (- win-bottom win-top))
                               ;; Fix-me: This returns nil even though
                               ;; we have updated above with
                               ;; (window-end window t) and also after
                               ;; (redisplay t) or (sit-for 0).
                               (dummy (redisplay t))
                               (dummy2 (sit-for 0))
                               (bottom-line-height (window-line-height

(line-number-at-pos (1- (point-max)))
                          ;; Make a guess if we are ready.
                          (when (> bottom-line-height
                                   (- win-rel-bottom loc-bottom))
                            (setq done t))
                          (setq maxh midh))
                      (setq minh midh)))
                (if (< 0 delta)
                    (setq maxh (1- maxh))
                  (setq minh (1+ minh))))

        ;; If we are not done try window above.
        (when above
          (while (and (not done) (> maxh minh))
            (setq midh (+ minh (/ (- maxh minh) 2)))
            (let* ((winh (window-height window))
                   (delta (- winh midh))
              ;; (when (> 0 delta) ;; Check window above min height
              ;;   (setq delta (max delta
              ;;                    (- window-min-height
              ;;                       (window-height above))))
              ;;   (setq midh (- delta winh)))
              (condition-case err
                    (adjust-window-trailing-edge above delta nil)
                    (setq did-it t))
                 (message "%S" err)))
              (if did-it
                    (goto-char (point-min))
                    (setq eob-in-win (= (window-end window t) (point-max)))
                    (if eob-in-win
                        (setq maxh midh)
                      (setq minh midh)))
                (if (> 0 delta)
                    (setq maxh (1- maxh))
                  (setq minh (1+ minh))))
        (goto-char here))

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