Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function nil) nil(0 0) funcall(nil 0 0) (setq value (funcall op value (woman-parse-numeric-value))) (cond ((looking-at "[+-/*%]") (forward-char) (setq op ...) (setq value ...)) ((looking-at "[<=>]=?") (goto-char ...) (setq op ...) (setq value ...)) ((memq ... ...) (forward-char) (setq value ...))) (while (cond (... ... ... ...) (... ... ... ...) (... ... ...))) (let ((value ...) op) (while (cond ... ... ...)) value) woman-parse-numeric-arg() (save-excursion (woman-parse-numeric-arg)) woman-get-numeric-arg() (let ((i ...)) (woman-delete-line) (or leave-eol (delete-char 1)) (if (> i 0) (setq woman-prevailing-indent i))) (if (eolp) (or leave-eol (delete-char 1)) (let (...) (woman-delete-line) (or leave-eol ...) (if ... ...))) woman2-get-prevailing-indent(leave-eol) (let ((i ...)) (beginning-of-line) (woman-leave-blank-lines) (unless (or ... ...) (woman2-tagged-paragraph to i))) (if (eolp) (woman2-format-paragraphs to (+ woman-left-margin woman-prevailing-indent)) (woman-forward-arg (quote unquote)) (let (...) (beginning-of-line) (woman-leave-blank-lines) (unless ... ...))) woman2-IP(#) funcall(woman2-IP #) (if (not (or fn ...)) nil (if (equal woman-request "TS") (set-marker to ...) (set-marker to ...)) (funcall fn to)) (while (re-search-forward woman-request-regexp nil t) (cond (... ...) (...) (... ... ...) (t ... ...)) (if (not ...) nil (if ... ... ...) (funcall fn to))) (unwind-protect (while (re-search-forward woman-request-regexp nil t) (cond ... ... ... ...) (if ... nil ... ...)) (if (not ...) (woman2-format-paragraphs ... woman-left-margin)) (fset (quote canonically-space-region) canonically-space-region) (fset (quote set-text-properties) set-text-properties) (fset (quote insert-and-inherit) insert-and-inherit) (set-marker to nil)) (let ((case-fold-search t) (to ...) (canonically-space-region ...) (insert-and-inherit ...) (set-text-properties ...) (woman-registers woman-registers) fn woman-request woman-translations tab-stop-list) (set-marker-insertion-type to t) (fset (quote canonically-space-region) (quote ignore)) (fset (quote insert-and-inherit) (symbol-function ...)) (fset (quote set-text-properties) (quote ignore)) (unwind-protect (while ... ... ...) (if ... ...) (fset ... canonically-space-region) (fset ... set-text-properties) (fset ... insert-and-inherit) (set-marker to nil))) woman2-roff-buffer() (let ((case-fold-search nil) (woman-string-alist woman-string-alist) (woman-fill-column woman-fill-column) woman-negative-vertical-space) (setq woman-left-margin woman-default-indent woman-prevailing-indent woman-default-indent woman-interparagraph-distance 1 woman-leave-blank-lines nil woman-RS-left-margin nil woman-RS-prevailing-indent nil woman-adjust woman-adjust-both woman-justify (nth woman-adjust woman-justify-list) woman-nofill nil) (setq woman-if-conditions-true (cons ... ...)) (woman-non-underline-faces) (and woman-use-symbol-font (stringp woman-symbol-font) (set-face-font ... woman-symbol-font ...)) (set-syntax-table woman-syntax-table) (woman-set-buffer-display-table) (if (or woman-fill-frame ...) (setq woman-fill-column ...)) (goto-char from) (if (looking-at "'\\\\\"[ ]*\\([a-z]+\\)") (let ... ... ... ...)) (woman-pre-process-region from nil) (woman0-roff-buffer from) (goto-char (point-min)) (let (...) (unless ... ...)) (goto-char from) (woman-mark-horizonal-position) (setq fill-column woman-fill-column tab-width woman-tab-width) (goto-char from) (while (re-search-forward "\\\\[ 0]" nil t) (replace-match woman-unpadded-space-string t t)) (goto-char from) (while (re-search-forward "\\\\\\([%\n]\\|s[-+]?[0-9]+\\)" nil t) (woman-delete-match 0)) (goto-char from) (while (re-search-forward "\\\\\\([-`.]\\)" nil t) (replace-match "\\1")) (goto-char from) (woman1-roff-buffer) (goto-char from) (woman-strings) (goto-char from) (woman-change-fonts) (goto-char from) (let (...) (while ... ...)) (goto-char from) (woman2-roff-buffer) (if woman-negative-vertical-space (woman-negative-vertical-space from)) (when woman-preserve-ascii (subst-char-in-region from ... woman-escaped-escape-char 92) (subst-char-in-region from ... woman-unpadded-space-char 32)) (point-max)) woman-decode-region(1 61) (let ((start-time ...) time) (message "WoMan formatting buffer...") (woman-decode-region (point-min) (point-max)) (setq time (float-time ...)) (message "WoMan formatting buffer...done in %g seconds" time) (WoMan-log-end time)) woman-decode-buffer() (if (re-search-forward "^[.']" 1000 t) (woman-decode-buffer) (message "File appears to be pre-formatted -- using source file may be better.") (woman-man-buffer)) woman-process-buffer() (let ((WoMan-current-file filename)) (if woman-use-own-frame (select-frame ...)) (set-buffer (get-buffer-create bufname)) (condition-case nil (switch-to-buffer ...) (error ...)) (buffer-disable-undo) (setq buffer-read-only nil) (erase-buffer) (woman-insert-file-contents filename compressed) (setq default-directory (file-name-directory filename)) (set (make-local-variable ...) t) (set-visited-file-name "") (woman-process-buffer)) woman-really-find-file("/so/woman/ip.1" nil "*WoMan 1 ip*") (let* ((bufname ...) (case-fold-search t) (compressed ...)) (if compressed (setq bufname ...)) (setq bufname (if exists ... ...)) (woman-really-find-file file-name compressed bufname) (or exists (setq woman-buffer-alist ... woman-buffer-number 0))) (or (and (setq exists ...) (not reformat)) (let* (... ... ...) (if compressed ...) (setq bufname ...) (woman-really-find-file file-name compressed bufname) (or exists ...))) (let ((alist-tail woman-buffer-alist) exists) (setq woman-buffer-number 0) (while (and alist-tail ...) (setq alist-tail ... woman-buffer-number ...)) (or (and ... ...) (let* ... ... ... ... ...))) woman-find-file("ip.1") eval((woman-find-file "ip.1")) eval-expression((woman-find-file "ip.1") nil) call-interactively(eval-expression nil nil)