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bug#14786: 24.3.50; `field-end' is now very slow

From: Drew Adams
Subject: bug#14786: 24.3.50; `field-end' is now very slow
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 2013 13:57:52 -0700 (PDT)

> > I put the cursor on, say, the first file or dir name in a large Dired
> > buffer (1860 lines).  I do `M-: (field-end nil)'.
> >
> > In Emacs 22, 23, and even 24.3, the result appears immediately - no
> > perceptible delay.  In recent Emacs 24 (e.g., this build), the result
> > appears after several seconds - 3 to 4 sec.
> I cannot reproduce this with yesterday's trunk.  Does this happen for
> you in "emacs -Q"?

Sorry, the description was incomplete.

1. emacs -Q

2. Load library dired-details.el, from Emacs Wiki:

3. C-x d ; in some directory that has lots of files

4.  M-x dired-details-toggle

5. M-x dired-details-toggle ; (optional, so you see all info)

6. Position the cursor on a file or dir name near the beginning of
the list.

7. M-: (field-end nil)

The result appears after a few seconds (I'm guessing about 4 sec
in the directory I used).

Do the same thing in previous Emacs versions (including as recent
as 24.3, at least), and the result appears immediately.

I tried `M-x profiler-start', then `M-: (field-end nil)', then
`M-x profiler-report', then `M-x profiler-stop'.  Then I wrote each
buffer to a file using C-x C-w.  The files are attached.

This is what I saw in *Memory-Profiler-Report...*:

- command-execute                                          42,437,777   0%
  - call-interactively                                     42,437,777   0%
    - byte-code                                            39,515,026  -4%
      - read-extended-command                              19,764,987  -2%
        - completing-read                                  19,764,987  -2%
          - completing-read-default                        19,764,987  -2%
            - read-from-minibuffer                         19,764,586  -2%
              - redisplay_internal (C function)            19,740,876  -2%
                - find-image                               19,740,876  -2%
                  - image-search-load-path                 19,740,876  -2%
                      image-search-load-path               18,166,368  -3%
              - command-execute                                 1,208   0%
                - call-interactively                               40   0%
                  - minibuffer-complete-and-exit                   40   0%
                      minibuffer--complete-and-exit                40   0%
      - read--expression                                   19,750,039  -2%
        - read-from-minibuffer                             19,749,638  -2%
          - redisplay_internal (C function)                19,723,328  -2%
            - find-image                                   19,723,328  -2%
              - image-search-load-path                     19,723,328  -2%
                  image-search-load-path                   18,148,820  -3%
          - command-execute                                       808   0%
            - call-interactively                                  680   0%
              - self-insert-command                               680   0%
                - blink-paren-post-self-insert-function           680   0%
                  - blink-matching-open                           680   0%
                    - sit-for                                     480   0%
                        redisplay                                 320   0%
                        read-event                                160   0%
    - execute-extended-command                              2,025,794   2%
      - command-execute                                     1,980,502   2%
        - call-interactively                                1,980,494   2%
          - profiler-report                                 1,979,210   2%
            - profiler-report-cpu                           1,076,878   1%
              - profiler-cpu-profile                          944,730   1%
                  profiler-make-profile                         1,198   0%
              - profiler-report-profile-other-window          132,148   0%
                - profiler-report-setup-buffer                132,148   0%
                  - profiler-report-setup-buffer-1            131,636   0%
                      profiler-report-make-buffer-name        131,104   0%
                  - profiler-report-render-calltree               512   0%
                    - profiler-report-rerender-calltree           512   0%
                      - profiler-report-render-calltree           512   0%
                        - profiler-report-header-line-f           512   0%
                            replace-regexp-in-string              512   0%
            - profiler-report-memory                          902,332   1%
                profiler-memory-profile                       902,332   1%
          - profiler-start                                      1,284   0%
              message                                           1,284   0%
    - eval-expression                                         745,480   0%
        eval                                                  745,480   0%
    - profiler-report                                         151,477   0%
      - profiler-report-cpu                                   151,477   0%
        - profiler-report-profile-other-window                151,477   0%
          - switch-to-buffer-other-window                     143,289   0%
            - pop-to-buffer                                   143,289   0%
              - display-buffer                                143,289   0%
                - display-buffer--maybe-pop-up-frame-or       143,289   0%
                  - display-buffer-pop-up-window              143,289   0%
                    - window--try-to-split-window             143,289   0%
                      - funcall                               143,289   0%
                        - split-window-sensibly               143,289   0%
                          - split-window-below                143,289   0%
                            - split-window                    143,289   0%
                                byte-code                     143,289   0%
          - profiler-report-setup-buffer                        8,188   0%
            - profiler-report-render-calltree                   8,188   0%
              - profiler-report-rerender-calltree               8,188   0%
                - profiler-report-render-calltree-1             8,188   0%
                  - profiler-calltree-build                     8,188   0%
                    - profiler-calltree-compute-percent         8,188   0%
                      - profiler-calltree-walk                  8,188   0%
                        - profiler-calltree-walk                8,188   0%
                          - profiler-calltree-walk              8,188   0%
                            - profiler-calltree-walk            8,188   0%
                                #<compiled 0xd6dff9>            8,188   0%
- redisplay_internal (C function)                          40,759,238  -2%
  - find-image                                             39,446,656  -4%
    - image-search-load-path                               39,446,656  -4%
        image-search-load-path                             36,297,640   4%
  - tool-bar-make-keymap                                    1,312,070   1%
    - tool-bar-make-keymap-1                                1,312,070   1%
      - mapcar                                              1,312,070   1%
        - #<compiled 0x4cb765>                              1,312,070   1%
          - eval                                            1,312,070   1%
            - find-image                                    1,312,070   1%
                image-search-load-path                      1,312,070   1%
  - kill-this-buffer-enabled-p                                    512   0%
      byte-code                                                   512   0%

And this in *CPU-Profiler-Report..*:

- command-execute                                                 215  98%
  - call-interactively                                            215  98%
    - eval-expression                                             204  93%
        eval                                                      204  93%
    - byte-code                                                    10   4%
      - read--expression                                            5   2%
        - read-from-minibuffer                                      4   1%
          - redisplay_internal (C function)                         2   0%
            - find-image                                            2   0%
              - image-search-load-path                              2   0%
                  image-search-load-path                            2   0%
          - command-execute                                         1   0%
            - call-interactively                                    1   0%
              - self-insert-command                                 1   0%
                - blink-paren-post-self-insert-fun                  1   0%
                  - blink-matching-open                             1   0%
                      sit-for                                       1   0%
      - read-extended-command                                       5   2%
        - completing-read                                           5   2%
          - completing-read-default                                 5   2%
            - read-from-minibuffer                                  4   1%
              - redisplay_internal (C function)                     2   0%
                - find-image                                        2   0%
                  - image-search-load-path                          2   0%
                      image-search-load-path                        2   0%
    - execute-extended-command                                      1   0%
      - command-execute                                             1   0%
        - call-interactively                                        1   0%
          - profiler-report                                         1   0%
            - profiler-report-cpu                                   1   0%
                profiler-cpu-profile                                1   0%
  Automatic GC                                                      2   0%
- redisplay_internal (C function)                                   1   0%
  - find-image                                                      1   0%
    - image-search-load-path                                        1   0%
        image-search-load-path                                      1   0%



1. Is there an easier way to open everything up like that?  All I could
find was to hit TAB or RET or i on each line.  PITA.

2. Seems like the mode line info should also (or instead) appear in the
buffer as a title, so it gets picked up by C-x h.

3. The numeric columns should have headers.  No idea what the numbers
mean - what units for the first column, percentage of what (what
compared to what) for the second column.

Attachment: throw-prof-cpu.txt
Description: Text document

Attachment: throw-prof-mem.txt
Description: Text document

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