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bug#15282: 24.3.50; Starting a new emacsclient -t instance with another

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: bug#15282: 24.3.50; Starting a new emacsclient -t instance with another instance running in a separate terminal causes display corruption in the first instance.
Date: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 11:46:35 +0300

> Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2013 09:46:17 +0800
> From: Chow Loong Jin <hyperair@debian.org>
> 1. Start the daemon: emacs -Q --daemon
> 2. Start emacsclient: emacsclient -t
> 3. Open a new terminal, and start another emacsclient instance:
>    emacsclient -t
> 4. Go back to the first emacsclient instance, and notice that there's
>    some text corruption that can't be cleared without closing that
>    emacsclient instance. ^Z followed by fg doesn't get rid of the issue
>    either.

Don't you also see some stray characters in the mode line?  (Your
snapshot didn't show the mode lines of the two client frames.)

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