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bug#16907: 24.3.50; [ruby-mode] %w/W literals have incorrect indentation

From: Bozhidar Batsov
Subject: bug#16907: 24.3.50; [ruby-mode] %w/W literals have incorrect indentation
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2014 17:40:02 +0200

Very briefly put, the following code:

x = %w(

is indented like this:

x = %w(

%w/W should be indented like other array literals.

In GNU Emacs (x86_64-apple-darwin13.0.0, NS apple-appkit-1265.00)
 of 2014-01-27 on Bozhidars-MacBook-Pro.local
Windowing system distributor `Apple', version 10.3.1265
Configured using:
 `configure --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/emacs/HEAD --without-dbus
 --without-gnutls --with-ns --disable-ns-self-contained'

Important settings:
  locale-coding-system: utf-8-unix

Major mode: Ruby

Minor modes in effect:
  ruby-tools-mode: t
  inf-ruby-minor-mode: t
  diff-auto-refine-mode: t
  subword-mode: t
  guru-mode: t
  erc-truncate-mode: t
  erc-spelling-mode: t
  erc-list-mode: t
  erc-menu-mode: t
  erc-autojoin-mode: t
  erc-ring-mode: t
  erc-networks-mode: t
  erc-pcomplete-mode: t
  erc-track-mode: t
  erc-match-mode: t
  erc-button-mode: t
  erc-fill-mode: t
  erc-stamp-mode: t
  erc-netsplit-mode: t
  erc-irccontrols-mode: t
  erc-noncommands-mode: t
  erc-move-to-prompt-mode: t
  erc-readonly-mode: t
  global-flycheck-mode: t
  flycheck-mode: t
  which-function-mode: t
  flx-ido-mode: t
  ido-ubiquitous-mode: t
  winner-mode: t
  global-undo-tree-mode: t
  undo-tree-mode: t
  whitespace-mode: t
  global-anzu-mode: t
  anzu-mode: t
  projectile-global-mode: t
  projectile-mode: t
  flyspell-mode: t
  volatile-highlights-mode: t
  global-hl-line-mode: t
  shell-dirtrack-mode: t
  recentf-mode: t
  savehist-mode: t
  show-smartparens-global-mode: t
  show-smartparens-mode: t
  smartparens-mode: t
  global-auto-revert-mode: t
  delete-selection-mode: t
  prelude-global-mode: t
  prelude-mode: t
  tooltip-mode: t
  electric-indent-mode: t
  mouse-wheel-mode: t
  menu-bar-mode: t
  file-name-shadow-mode: t
  global-font-lock-mode: t
  font-lock-mode: t
  auto-composition-mode: t
  auto-encryption-mode: t
  auto-compression-mode: t
  size-indication-mode: t
  column-number-mode: t
  line-number-mode: t
  transient-mark-mode: t

Recent input:
p d a t e SPC R b x <backspace> <backspace> u b i n 
i o <backspace> u s SPC t r a v i s c i SPC c o n f 
i g <return> <return> S e e SPC C-y <return> f o r 
SPC d e t a i l s . C-c C-c <return> <down-mouse-1> 
<mouse-1> q P P l l q <down-mouse-1> <mouse-1> C-x 
C-f p o w <backspace> <backspace> <backspace> <backspace> 
p o w e r <return> t r a <return> C-x g F F C-x o C-n 
C-n C-n C-n C-n C-e <backspace> <backspace> <backspace> 
<backspace> C-x C-s C-x C-f g e m <return> C-n C-n 
C-n C-n C-n C-k C-k C-k C-k C-k <backspace> <backspace> 
C-x C-s C-x g C-n C-n C-n C-n C-n C-n s s c c M-p M-n 
C-p C-p C-e C-c C-c P P C-x o C-x b <return> C-p C-p 
<return> - SPC 2 . 1 . 0 C-x C-s C-x g C-n s c c R 
u n SPC s p e c s SPC o n SPC R u b y SPC 2 . 1 SPC 
a s SPC w e l l C-c C-c P P l l q <down-mouse-1> <mouse-1> 
C-x b c i d e r C-g s-g C-g s-p c i d e r <return> 
i n t e r a <return> M-< s-g d o c - h a n d l e r 
<return> <help-echo> <down-mouse-2> <mouse-1> <help-echo> 
<down-mouse-2> <mouse-1> <help-echo> C-l <help-echo> 
<down-mouse-1> <mouse-1> C-x b t e s t . <return> C-p 
C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p C-a C-k C-k C-k C-k 
C-k C-k C-k C-n C-SPC C-n C-n C-n C-n C-n M-w <help-echo> 
<help-echo> M-x r e p o r t <return>

Recent messages:
Saving file /Users/bozhidar/projects/powerpack/.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG...
Wrote /Users/bozhidar/projects/powerpack/.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG
Git finished
Type a prefix key to toggle it. Run 'actions' with their prefixes. '?' for more 
Running git push -v origin master:refs/heads/master
Git finished
Type a prefix key to toggle it. Run 'actions' with their prefixes. '?' for more 
Quit [2 times]
Mark set
Grep finished (matches found)

Load-path shadows:
/Users/bozhidar/.emacs.d/elpa/tabulated-list-20120406.2251/tabulated-list hides 

(shadow sort mail-extr emacsbug vc-annotate vc vc-dispatcher nxml-uchnm
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cider-mode cider-repl cider-eldoc clojure-test-mode cider-interaction
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superword subword clojure-mode-expansions clojure-mode inf-lisp
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prelude-clojure prelude-lisp prelude-c prelude-programming flycheck
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rainbow-delimiters-autoloads request-autoloads rubocop-autoloads
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cl-lib time-date tooltip electric uniquify ediff-hook vc-hooks
lisp-float-type mwheel ns-win tool-bar dnd fontset image regexp-opt
fringe tabulated-list newcomment lisp-mode prog-mode register page
menu-bar rfn-eshadow timer select scroll-bar mouse jit-lock font-lock
syntax facemenu font-core frame cham georgian utf-8-lang misc-lang
vietnamese tibetan thai tai-viet lao korean japanese hebrew greek
romanian slovak czech european ethiopic indian cyrillic chinese
case-table epa-hook jka-cmpr-hook help simple abbrev minibuffer nadvice
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