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bug#23117: 25.0.92; Having pcomplete-ignore-case different from completi

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: bug#23117: 25.0.92; Having pcomplete-ignore-case different from completion-ignore-case can lead to an error
Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2016 02:21:51 +0200

1. (setq pcomplete-ignore-case t)
2. Keep completion-ignore-case at its default nil value.
3. M-x shell
3. Type 'cd /Usr/', press C-M-i.
4. See the below error.

Should the former variable just be made into an alias for the latter one?

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Internal error: usr/games/ doesn’t match 
  signal(error ("Internal error: usr/games/ doesn’t match \\`Usr\\(.*?\\)/"))
  error("Internal error: %s doesn't match %s" "usr/games/" "\\`Usr\\(.*?\\)/")
  completion-pcm--merge-completions(("usr/games/" "usr/./" "usr/lib/" 
"usr/local/" "usr/../" "usr/bin/" "usr/share/" "usr/X11R6/" "usr/src/" 
"usr/locale/" "usr/include/" "usr/lib32/" "usr/sbin/") (#("Usr" 0 3 (fontified 
t)) any "/"))
  completion-pcm--merge-try((#("Usr" 0 3 (fontified t)) any "/") ("usr/games/" 
"usr/./" "usr/lib/" "usr/local/" "usr/../" "usr/bin/" "usr/share/" "usr/X11R6/" 
"usr/src/" "usr/locale/" "usr/include/" "usr/lib32/" "usr/sbin/") #("/" 0 1 
(fontified t)) "")
  completion-pcm-try-completion(#("/Usr/" 0 5 (fontified t)) #[771 "\302.G\303  
 [#[771 "\211\305=\203.   
[file-directory-p pcomplete-compare-entry-function pcomplete-ignore-case 
completion-ignore-case completion-ignored-extensions metadata 
cycle-sort-function #[257 "\301.\"\207" [pcomplete-compare-entry-function 
sort] 4 "\n\n(fn COMPS)"] completion-file-name-table nil 
completion-table-with-predicate comint-completion-file-name-table strict] 10 
"\n\n(fn S P A)"] pcomplete--env-regexp nil string-match 0 1 getenv 
match-string 2 t boundaries mapconcat identity "" complete-with-action apply + 
mapcar length completion-boundaries make-byte-code 257 "\211\300\301O\207" 
vconcat vector [nil] 4 "\n\n(fn S)"] 17 "\n\n(fn STRING PRED ACTION)"] nil 5)
  #[257 "\300.
\2368\301\242\302\242\303\304\242$\207" [1 (#("/Usr/" 0 5 (fontified t))) 
(#[771 "\302.G\303    
 [#[771 "\211\305=\203.   
[file-directory-p pcomplete-compare-entry-function pcomplete-ignore-case 
completion-ignore-case completion-ignored-extensions metadata 
cycle-sort-function #[257 "\301.\"\207" [pcomplete-compare-entry-function 
sort] 4 "\n\n(fn COMPS)"] completion-file-name-table nil 
completion-table-with-predicate comint-completion-file-name-table strict] 10 
"\n\n(fn S P A)"] pcomplete--env-regexp nil string-match 0 1 getenv 
match-string 2 t boundaries mapconcat identity "" complete-with-action apply + 
mapcar length completion-boundaries make-byte-code 257 "\211\300\301O\207" 
vconcat vector [nil] 4 "\n\n(fn S)"] 17 "\n\n(fn STRING PRED ACTION)"]) nil (5) 
completion-styles-alist] 6 "\n\n(fn STYLE)"](partial-completion)
  completion--some(#[257 "\300.
\2368\301\242\302\242\303\304\242$\207" [1 (#("/Usr/" 0 5 (fontified t))) 
(#[771 "\302.G\303    
 [#[771 "\211\305=\203.   
[file-directory-p pcomplete-compare-entry-function pcomplete-ignore-case 
completion-ignore-case completion-ignored-extensions metadata 
cycle-sort-function #[257 "\301.\"\207" [pcomplete-compare-entry-function 
sort] 4 "\n\n(fn COMPS)"] completion-file-name-table nil 
completion-table-with-predicate comint-completion-file-name-table strict] 10 
"\n\n(fn S P A)"] pcomplete--env-regexp nil string-match 0 1 getenv 
match-string 2 t boundaries mapconcat identity "" complete-with-action apply + 
mapcar length completion-boundaries make-byte-code 257 "\211\300\301O\207" 
vconcat vector [nil] 4 "\n\n(fn S)"] 17 "\n\n(fn STRING PRED ACTION)"]) nil (5) 
completion-styles-alist] 6 "\n\n(fn STYLE)"] (basic partial-completion emacs22))
  completion--nth-completion(1 #("/Usr/" 0 5 (fontified t)) #[771 
"\301?.\303.\300.$)\207" [#[771 
     .$\302.@.\n\"@.A\312U\203d.\312\202y.A.G\\\302.\f.   P\"@.
$\337\"\340\341%F\266\204\207" [#[771 "\302.G\303       
 [#[771 "\211\305=\203.   
[file-directory-p pcomplete-compare-entry-function pcomplete-ignore-case 
completion-ignore-case completion-ignored-extensions metadata 
cycle-sort-function #[257 "\301.\"\207" [pcomplete-compare-entry-function 
sort] 4 "\n\n(fn COMPS)"] completion-file-name-table nil 
completion-table-with-predicate comint-completion-file-name-table strict] 10 
"\n\n(fn S P A)"] pcomplete--env-regexp nil string-match 0 1 getenv 
match-string 2 t boundaries mapconcat identity "" complete-with-action apply + 
mapcar length completion-boundaries make-byte-code 257 "\211\300\301O\207" 
vconcat vector [nil] 4 "\n\n(fn S)"] 17 "\n\n(fn STRING PRED ACTION)"] 
comint--unquote-argument comint--requote-argument metadata append 
completion-metadata ((completion--unquote-requote . t)) lambda test-completion 
boundaries 0 string-prefix-p cl--assertion-failed (string-prefix-p ustring 
ufull) nil completion-boundaries try-completion completion--twq-try t 
all-completions "" completion--twq-all last completion--unquote string-suffix-p 
2 make-byte-code 514 
 vconcat vector [1 completion--twq-try 2 last 0 nil completion--twq-all] 11 
"\n\n(fn UNQUOTED-RESULT OP)"] 19 "\n\n(fn STRING PRED ACTION)"] nil 
completion-ignore-case complete-with-action] 8 "\n\n(fn STRING PRED ACTION)"] 
nil 5 (metadata (cycle-sort-function . #[257 "\301.\"\207" 
[pcomplete-compare-entry-function sort] 4 "\n\n(fn COMPS)"]) (category . file) 
(completion--unquote-requote . t)))
  completion-try-completion(#("/Usr/" 0 5 (fontified t)) #[771 
"\301?.\303.\300.$)\207" [#[771 
        .$\302.@.\n\"@.A\312U\203d.\312\202y.A.G\\\302.\f.   P\"@.
$\337\"\340\341%F\266\204\207" [#[771 "\302.G\303       
 [#[771 "\211\305=\203.   
[file-directory-p pcomplete-compare-entry-function pcomplete-ignore-case 
completion-ignore-case completion-ignored-extensions metadata 
cycle-sort-function #[257 "\301.\"\207" [pcomplete-compare-entry-function 
sort] 4 "\n\n(fn COMPS)"] completion-file-name-table nil 
completion-table-with-predicate comint-completion-file-name-table strict] 10 
"\n\n(fn S P A)"] pcomplete--env-regexp nil string-match 0 1 getenv 
match-string 2 t boundaries mapconcat identity "" complete-with-action apply + 
mapcar length completion-boundaries make-byte-code 257 "\211\300\301O\207" 
vconcat vector [nil] 4 "\n\n(fn S)"] 17 "\n\n(fn STRING PRED ACTION)"] 
comint--unquote-argument comint--requote-argument metadata append 
completion-metadata ((completion--unquote-requote . t)) lambda test-completion 
boundaries 0 string-prefix-p cl--assertion-failed (string-prefix-p ustring 
ufull) nil completion-boundaries try-completion completion--twq-try t 
all-completions "" completion--twq-all last completion--unquote string-suffix-p 
2 make-byte-code 514 
 vconcat vector [1 completion--twq-try 2 last 0 nil completion--twq-all] 11 
"\n\n(fn UNQUOTED-RESULT OP)"] 19 "\n\n(fn STRING PRED ACTION)"] nil 
completion-ignore-case complete-with-action] 8 "\n\n(fn STRING PRED ACTION)"] 
nil 5 (metadata (cycle-sort-function . #[257 "\301.\"\207" 
[pcomplete-compare-entry-function sort] 4 "\n\n(fn COMPS)"]) (category . file) 
(completion--unquote-requote . t)))
  completion--do-completion(#<marker at 26 in *shell*> 31)
  completion--in-region-1(#<marker at 26 in *shell*> 31)
 [minibuffer-completion-predicate minibuffer-completion-table 
completion-in-region-mode-predicate completion-in-region--data markerp 
copy-marker t completion-in-region-mode 1 completion--in-region-1] 8 "\n\n(fn 
START END COLLECTION PREDICATE)"](#<marker at 26 in *shell*> 31 #[771 
"\301?.\303.\300.$)\207" [#[771 
     .$\302.@.\n\"@.A\312U\203d.\312\202y.A.G\\\302.\f.   P\"@.
$\337\"\340\341%F\266\204\207" [#[771 "\302.G\303       
 [#[771 "\211\305=\203.   
[file-directory-p pcomplete-compare-entry-function pcomplete-ignore-case 
completion-ignore-case completion-ignored-extensions metadata 
cycle-sort-function #[257 "\301.\"\207" [pcomplete-compare-entry-function 
sort] 4 "\n\n(fn COMPS)"] completion-file-name-table nil 
completion-table-with-predicate comint-completion-file-name-table strict] 10 
"\n\n(fn S P A)"] pcomplete--env-regexp nil string-match 0 1 getenv 
match-string 2 t boundaries mapconcat identity "" complete-with-action apply + 
mapcar length completion-boundaries make-byte-code 257 "\211\300\301O\207" 
vconcat vector [nil] 4 "\n\n(fn S)"] 17 "\n\n(fn STRING PRED ACTION)"] 
comint--unquote-argument comint--requote-argument metadata append 
completion-metadata ((completion--unquote-requote . t)) lambda test-completion 
boundaries 0 string-prefix-p cl--assertion-failed (string-prefix-p ustring 
ufull) nil completion-boundaries try-completion completion--twq-try t 
all-completions "" completion--twq-all last completion--unquote string-suffix-p 
2 make-byte-code 514 
 vconcat vector [1 completion--twq-try 2 last 0 nil completion--twq-all] 11 
"\n\n(fn UNQUOTED-RESULT OP)"] 19 "\n\n(fn STRING PRED ACTION)"] nil 
completion-ignore-case complete-with-action] 8 "\n\n(fn STRING PRED ACTION)"] 
 [minibuffer-completion-predicate minibuffer-completion-table 
completion-in-region-mode-predicate completion-in-region--data markerp 
copy-marker t completion-in-region-mode 1 completion--in-region-1] 8 "\n\n(fn 
START END COLLECTION PREDICATE)"] (#<marker at 26 in *shell*> 31 #[771 
"\301?.\303.\300.$)\207" [#[771 
      .$\302.@.\n\"@.A\312U\203d.\312\202y.A.G\\\302.\f.   P\"@.
$\337\"\340\341%F\266\204\207" [#[771 "\302.G\303       
 [#[771 "\211\305=\203.   
[file-directory-p pcomplete-compare-entry-function pcomplete-ignore-case 
completion-ignore-case completion-ignored-extensions metadata 
cycle-sort-function #[257 "\301.\"\207" [pcomplete-compare-entry-function 
sort] 4 "\n\n(fn COMPS)"] completion-file-name-table nil 
completion-table-with-predicate comint-completion-file-name-table strict] 10 
"\n\n(fn S P A)"] pcomplete--env-regexp nil string-match 0 1 getenv 
match-string 2 t boundaries mapconcat identity "" complete-with-action apply + 
mapcar length completion-boundaries make-byte-code 257 "\211\300\301O\207" 
vconcat vector [nil] 4 "\n\n(fn S)"] 17 "\n\n(fn STRING PRED ACTION)"] 
comint--unquote-argument comint--requote-argument metadata append 
completion-metadata ((completion--unquote-requote . t)) lambda test-completion 
boundaries 0 string-prefix-p cl--assertion-failed (string-prefix-p ustring 
ufull) nil completion-boundaries try-completion completion--twq-try t 
all-completions "" completion--twq-all last completion--unquote string-suffix-p 
2 make-byte-code 514 
 vconcat vector [1 completion--twq-try 2 last 0 nil completion--twq-all] 11 
"\n\n(fn UNQUOTED-RESULT OP)"] 19 "\n\n(fn STRING PRED ACTION)"] nil 
completion-ignore-case complete-with-action] 8 "\n\n(fn STRING PRED ACTION)"] 
 [(#0) t append nil apply apply-partially make-byte-code 642 "\300\242..#\207" 
vconcat vector [] 7 "\n\n(fn FUNS GLOBAL &rest ARGS)" #[1028 
 [minibuffer-completion-predicate minibuffer-completion-table 
completion-in-region-mode-predicate completion-in-region--data markerp 
copy-marker t completion-in-region-mode 1 completion--in-region-1] 8 "\n\n(fn 
(#<marker at 26 in *shell*> 31 #[771 "\301?.\303.\300.$)\207" [#[771 
        .$\302.@.\n\"@.A\312U\203d.\312\202y.A.G\\\302.\f.   P\"@.
$\337\"\340\341%F\266\204\207" [#[771 "\302.G\303       
 [#[771 "\211\305=\203.   
[file-directory-p pcomplete-compare-entry-function pcomplete-ignore-case 
completion-ignore-case completion-ignored-extensions metadata 
cycle-sort-function #[257 "\301.\"\207" [pcomplete-compare-entry-function 
sort] 4 "\n\n(fn COMPS)"] completion-file-name-table nil 
completion-table-with-predicate comint-completion-file-name-table strict] 10 
"\n\n(fn S P A)"] pcomplete--env-regexp nil string-match 0 1 getenv 
match-string 2 t boundaries mapconcat identity "" complete-with-action apply + 
mapcar length completion-boundaries make-byte-code 257 "\211\300\301O\207" 
vconcat vector [nil] 4 "\n\n(fn S)"] 17 "\n\n(fn STRING PRED ACTION)"] 
comint--unquote-argument comint--requote-argument metadata append 
completion-metadata ((completion--unquote-requote . t)) lambda test-completion 
boundaries 0 string-prefix-p cl--assertion-failed (string-prefix-p ustring 
ufull) nil completion-boundaries try-completion completion--twq-try t 
all-completions "" completion--twq-all last completion--unquote string-suffix-p 
2 make-byte-code 514 
 vconcat vector [1 completion--twq-try 2 last 0 nil completion--twq-all] 11 
"\n\n(fn UNQUOTED-RESULT OP)"] 19 "\n\n(fn STRING PRED ACTION)"] nil 
completion-ignore-case complete-with-action] 8 "\n\n(fn STRING PRED ACTION)"] 
  completion--in-region(#<marker at 26 in *shell*> 31 #[771 
"\301?.\303.\300.$)\207" [#[771 
   .$\302.@.\n\"@.A\312U\203d.\312\202y.A.G\\\302.\f.   P\"@.
$\337\"\340\341%F\266\204\207" [#[771 "\302.G\303       
 [#[771 "\211\305=\203.   
[file-directory-p pcomplete-compare-entry-function pcomplete-ignore-case 
completion-ignore-case completion-ignored-extensions metadata 
cycle-sort-function #[257 "\301.\"\207" [pcomplete-compare-entry-function 
sort] 4 "\n\n(fn COMPS)"] completion-file-name-table nil 
completion-table-with-predicate comint-completion-file-name-table strict] 10 
"\n\n(fn S P A)"] pcomplete--env-regexp nil string-match 0 1 getenv 
match-string 2 t boundaries mapconcat identity "" complete-with-action apply + 
mapcar length completion-boundaries make-byte-code 257 "\211\300\301O\207" 
vconcat vector [nil] 4 "\n\n(fn S)"] 17 "\n\n(fn STRING PRED ACTION)"] 
comint--unquote-argument comint--requote-argument metadata append 
completion-metadata ((completion--unquote-requote . t)) lambda test-completion 
boundaries 0 string-prefix-p cl--assertion-failed (string-prefix-p ustring 
ufull) nil completion-boundaries try-completion completion--twq-try t 
all-completions "" completion--twq-all last completion--unquote string-suffix-p 
2 make-byte-code 514 
 vconcat vector [1 completion--twq-try 2 last 0 nil completion--twq-all] 11 
"\n\n(fn UNQUOTED-RESULT OP)"] 19 "\n\n(fn STRING PRED ACTION)"] nil 
completion-ignore-case complete-with-action] 8 "\n\n(fn STRING PRED ACTION)"] 
  completion-in-region(#<marker at 26 in *shell*> 31 #[771 
"\301?.\303.\300.$)\207" [#[771 
    .$\302.@.\n\"@.A\312U\203d.\312\202y.A.G\\\302.\f.   P\"@.
$\337\"\340\341%F\266\204\207" [#[771 "\302.G\303       
 [#[771 "\211\305=\203.   
[file-directory-p pcomplete-compare-entry-function pcomplete-ignore-case 
completion-ignore-case completion-ignored-extensions metadata 
cycle-sort-function #[257 "\301.\"\207" [pcomplete-compare-entry-function 
sort] 4 "\n\n(fn COMPS)"] completion-file-name-table nil 
completion-table-with-predicate comint-completion-file-name-table strict] 10 
"\n\n(fn S P A)"] pcomplete--env-regexp nil string-match 0 1 getenv 
match-string 2 t boundaries mapconcat identity "" complete-with-action apply + 
mapcar length completion-boundaries make-byte-code 257 "\211\300\301O\207" 
vconcat vector [nil] 4 "\n\n(fn S)"] 17 "\n\n(fn STRING PRED ACTION)"] 
comint--unquote-argument comint--requote-argument metadata append 
completion-metadata ((completion--unquote-requote . t)) lambda test-completion 
boundaries 0 string-prefix-p cl--assertion-failed (string-prefix-p ustring 
ufull) nil completion-boundaries try-completion completion--twq-try t 
all-completions "" completion--twq-all last completion--unquote string-suffix-p 
2 make-byte-code 514 
 vconcat vector [1 completion--twq-try 2 last 0 nil completion--twq-all] 11 
"\n\n(fn UNQUOTED-RESULT OP)"] 19 "\n\n(fn STRING PRED ACTION)"] nil 
completion-ignore-case complete-with-action] 8 "\n\n(fn STRING PRED ACTION)"] 
  funcall-interactively(complete-symbol nil)
  call-interactively(complete-symbol nil nil)

In GNU Emacs (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.16.7)
 of 2016-03-20 built on axl
Repository revision: 26f9c5075ff273013418a66b70fae477301d41d5
Windowing system distributor 'The X.Org Foundation', version 11.0.11702000
System Description:     Ubuntu 15.10

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