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bug#23824: 25.0.95; Prevent compare one buffer with itself

From: Tino Calancha
Subject: bug#23824: 25.0.95; Prevent compare one buffer with itself
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2016 09:58:02 +0900
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/45.1.1

On 06/23/2016 12:19 AM, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
From: Tino Calancha <f92capac@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2016 19:12:13 +0900 (JST)

When the current buffer, buf-a, is visiting FILE-B, buf-b should
be a temporary buffer on sync with FILE-B.

./emacs -r -Q -eval '(progn (with-temp-file "/tmp/foo" (insert "foo"))
(find-file "/tmp/foo") (insert "bar"))'
M-: (highlight-compare-with-file "/tmp/foo") RET
n n ; Answer no to saving suggestions.
;; Current buffer content different than /tmp/foo but no face
highlight-changes shown.
I think we need first to establish what exactly is the semantic of
this situation.  You are comparing a buffer with the file that the
buffer visits.  The doc string of this function tries to say something
about this situation:

   If the current buffer is visiting the file being compared against, it
   also will have its differences highlighted.  Otherwise, the file is
   read in temporarily but the buffer is deleted.

but I must confess that this is incomprehensible for me.  So I think
we should first establish what that means, or what the code is trying
to do.
I understand what the doc means: if the current buffer (buf-a) is visiting file-b,
then this func will perform a diff between buf-a and file-b.
* So, if buf-a is modified, the command highlight you the differences with file-b, so let you decide if you want to save buf-a (overwritting file-b) or not. It sounds useful. * Current implementation doesn't match the doc string: even if buf-a is visiting file-b and modified, the func compare buf-a with buf-a, so that you never get nothing highlight
  in this case.

+                         (with-current-buffer buf-new
+                           (insert-file-contents-literally file-b)
??? Why insert-file-contents-literally?  That definitely sounds wrong.


We can use: (insert-file-contents file-b)
it doesn't matter.  At the end, what this func does is comparing buffers
with ediff-diff-program so only the literal content would matter.

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