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bug#24939: [PATCH] Add tests for lisp/kmacro.el

From: Gemini Lasswell
Subject: bug#24939: [PATCH] Add tests for lisp/kmacro.el
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2016 12:56:36 -0800

Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org> writes:

>> >> +(defmacro kmacro-tests-should-match-message (value &rest body)
>> >
>> > I don't like this implementation.
>> This strategy is used in autorevert-tests.el and filenotify-tests.el,
>> which is where I copied it from. So those should be changed too.
> Most probably.  But let's first see what better implementation we
> could come up with.

Here is an implementation of message capturing using advice:

(defmacro ert-with-message-capture (var &rest body)
  "Execute BODY while collecting messages in VAR.
Capture all messages produced by `message' when it is called from
Lisp, and concatenate them separated by newlines into one string."
  (declare (debug (symbolp body))
           (indent 1))
  (let ((g-advice (cl-gensym)))
    `(let* ((,var "")
            (,g-advice (lambda (func &rest args)
                         (if (or (null args) (equal (car args) ""))
                             (apply func args)
                           (let ((msg (apply #'format-message args)))
                             (setq ,var (concat ,var msg "\n"))
                             (funcall func "%s" msg))))))
       (advice-add 'message :around ,g-advice)
           (progn ,@body)
         (advice-remove 'message ,g-advice)))))

The reason I have set it up to bind a variable during the code body
execution is to make it usable by autorevert-tests.el and
filenotify-tests.el. For example, here's an excerpt from

(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Messages*")
  (narrow-to-region (point-max) (point-max)))
(sleep-for 1)
 "another text" nil file-notify--test-tmpfile nil 'no-message)

;; Check, that the buffer has been reverted.
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Messages*")
    (format-message "Reverting buffer `%s'." (buffer-name buf))

file-notify--wait-for-events polls read-event in a loop with a
fractional timeout until the form that is its second argument becomes
non-nil, or the larger timeout expires. With the macro above, this
excerpt becomes:

(ert-with-message-capture captured-messages
  (sleep-for 1)
   "another text" nil file-notify--test-tmpfile nil 'no-message)

  ;; Check, that the buffer has been reverted.
      (format-message "Reverting buffer `%s'." (buffer-name buf))

Let me know what you think.

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