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bug#30992: Acknowledgement (27.0.50; Crash when graphics card switches)

From: Peter Dyballa
Subject: bug#30992: Acknowledgement (27.0.50; Crash when graphics card switches)
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2018 21:57:22 +0200

> Am 13.4.2018 um 20:14 schrieb Alan Third <alan@idiocy.org>:
> I think it’s because Apple have made a number of
> incompatible changes to their implementation of Objective‐C that
> haven’t been replicated in GCC.

I think the last version of GCC that could compile the NS variant was 4.2.1 
(4.2.4 in the MacPorts package manager), "Apple augmented" to also be able to 
build those typical application bundles. And of course it was then the C 
compiler in Xcode. This was ten years ago, in 2007/2008. Xcode 3.2 from this 
time was the last release to rely completely on GCC, but also offered a version 
of LLVM-GCC. Xcode 4.0 from 2011 came with LLVM-GCC plus Clang, and an update 
to Xcode 4.2 came with ARC, Automatic Reference Counting. (Needed at least Mac 
OS X 10.7, Lion?) And I think Xcode 4 was available in Mac App Store for some 
money only…

I did not upgrade to Lion and newer versions for many years (I stayed with 
Leopard, Mac OS X 10.5.8, until last Christmas) and I still have some old 
configure logs. GCC 4.8, 5.3, and 6.x could successfully check AppKit.h usable 
(GNU Emacs 25.0.90/95), but they later failed with different errors; February 
and June 2016.




Upgraded, adj.:
        Didn't work the first time.

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