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bug#35628: Keep track of what file sets variables... through init-file p

From: 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
Subject: bug#35628: Keep track of what file sets variables... through init-file processing
Date: Wed, 08 May 2019 14:37:14 +0800

C-h v runs the command describe-variable.

Its output looks like

   ............. is a variable defined in ‘.......el’.
   Its value is t
   Original value was nil

So describe-variable knows several things including
- the original value of a variable.
- the file where that value was set.

- the current value of a variable.
- the file where that value was set <---- ALAS... it would know that
but that part of its record keeping quits before ~/.emacs is processed!

Try this: put (setq xxxx 2222) in ~/.emacs; restart emacs, and do
describe-variable xxxx.

You might say "Well we only remember one filename. If we remember
.emacs, then we will forget the original file."

Then I would say "You remember two values, then you should remember two files."

P.S., this has nothing to do with

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