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bug#35316: 26.2; Emacs lags in c++-mode buffer when editing with iedit-m

From: Amos Bird
Subject: bug#35316: 26.2; Emacs lags in c++-mode buffer when editing with iedit-mode on
Date: Sat, 18 May 2019 01:35:58 +0800
User-agent: mu4e 1.1.0; emacs 27.0.50

Hi Alan!

Are we still talking about C++ Mode

Yeah it's c++ mode but it can also be reproduced with c mode.
The minute long frozen is caused mainly by the lsp-mode, howeveer
it's still laggy after turning lsp off.

How big is your file?  Can you characterise it in any way?

You can try emacs/src/xdisp.c . iediting all "make_fixnum",
turning them into "make_fixnum_why_undo_redo_is_so_slow", and undo.
It's about 10-20 seconds freezing time here.

It seems I have more work to do on this in any case.

Looking forward to it!


Amos Bird

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