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bug#35885: 25.2; Few mistakes in Emacs Manual (+ proposals)

From: Sebastian Urban
Subject: bug#35885: 25.2; Few mistakes in Emacs Manual (+ proposals)
Date: Fri, 24 May 2019 17:59:09 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/60.6.1


I gathered few mistakes in the manual and 3 proposals for it, in one
report, because they are small (maybe except 2nd and 3rd proposal) and
sending them one by one would be spam-ish.  I found them in GNU Emacs
25.2.1 (i686-w64-mingw32) of 2017-04-24 and PDFs updated for 25.2 and


1.  In INFO 11.7 Disabling Transient Mark Mode:
- ‘M-x transient-mark-mode’, or with the ‘Active Region Highlighting’ menu
+ ‘M-x transient-mark-mode’, or with the ‘Highlight Active Region’ menu
This is correct name of menu item.

2.  In INFO 13.2 Saving Text in Registers:
- activating it.  With a numeric argument, it instead puts point before
+ activating it.  With a prefix argument, it instead puts point before
Help window of 'insert-register' has prefix arg.

3.  In INFO 13.3 Saving Rectangles in Registers:
-      (‘copy-rectangle-to-register’).  With numeric argument, delete it
+      (‘copy-rectangle-to-register’).  With prefix argument, delete it
Help window of 'copy-rectangle-to-register' has prefix arg.

4.  In INFO 14.2 Recentering:
in paragraph starting with "You can also give ‘C-l’ a prefix
argument.", expressions:
   - "recenters point" should be "recenters line"
   - "puts point" (3 occurrences) should rather be "moves current
   line", because point is moved this way by 'M-r'
   ('move-to-window-line-top-bottom') and also in help window for
   'recenter-top-bottom' we have "move current line".

5.  In INFO 14.19 How Text Is Displayed:
- have an integer value between 1 and 1000, inclusive.  Note that how the
+ have an integer value between 1 and 1000, inclusive.  Note how the
I think "that" is unnecessary, "Note that how the tab character
(...)", will change into "Note how the tab character (...)".  Although
I'm not sure of it, maybe current form is correct?


1.  In PDF 4.1 Inserting Text:
in paragraph starting with "A few common Unicode characters can be
inserted (...)" (near word "respectively"), "left double quotation
mark" (curved) is displayed as "backslash" and "right double quotation
mark" (curved) is displayed as "straight double quotes".  In INFO it
looks ok.

2.  In PDF 4.1 Inserting Text:
in paragraph starting with "In some contexts, if you type a quotation
(...)", display of quotes is messed up, quotes surrounding Nth
occurrence of "like this" should be:
   - 1st - "grave accent" and "apostrophe",
   - 2nd - is ok,
   - 3rd - 2x "grave accent" and 2x "apostrophe",
   - 4th - "left double quotation mark" (curved) and "right double
     quotation mark" (curved)
Or just look into INFO, it's ok there.

3.  In PDF 11.19 How Text Is Displayed:
in last paragraph, first line, "left double quotation mark" (curved)
is displayed as "backslash" and "right double quotation mark" (curved)
is displayed as "straight double quotes".  In INFO it looks ok.

* Small proposals

1.  Emphasize a word
In both INFO(7.10 Numeric arguments) and PDF(4.10 Numeric Arguments),
in last paragraph, there is a word "before", I suggest to emphasize
this word (or maybe make it slanted, up to you).  It will have
stronger (visual) connection to slanted "prefix argument".

2.  Header style should be changed.
It shows page number in right upper corner on every page, but it
should show it in right upper corner for odd (right-side) pages and in
left upper corner for even (left-side) pages - just like in normal

3.  Add numbers to sections (& subsect.) for bookmark/navigation pane.
When you open it in any PDF reader with manual loaded, it only shows
names of sections, and without numbers it's difficult to navigate.

S. U.

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