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bug#43084: toggle-korean-input-method, Korean with Dvorak

From: 황병희
Subject: bug#43084: toggle-korean-input-method, Korean with Dvorak
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2020 22:04:51 +0900
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/26.3 (gnu/linux)

X-Debbugs-CC: jihyun.jo@gmail.com

"L.J. Lee" <lj.is.writing@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi, I hope this finds you well! I have recently started using Emacs and 
> wanted to alert you to a really bedevilling
> problem I had with Korean input and input method toggling, how I solved it, 
> and suggestions for improving it.
> Long story short, I use the 3-beol-sik final layout (designated as 
> korean-hangul3f on the emacs system) to type
> Korean and set it as my default input method in
> init.el.
> I was  puzzled, however, that my Korean layout
> reverted to the more common 2-beol-sik (korean-hangul) whenever I
> pressed S-SPC. C-\ would work to switch my layout correctly, but
> pressing S-SPC even once to toggle to Korean layout would change the
> default layout to korean-hangul and necessitate a manual change back to 
> korean-hangul3f
> using M-x set-input-method.
> I found out through language-info-alist that S-SPC is
> bound to toggle-korean-input-method, and used the function query to
> track this function to korea-util.el under lisp/language.
> As expected, the toggle-korean-input-method function set the
> default input method to korean-hangul regardless of user settings, so I
> redefined it from init.el to set the default-korean-keyboard as
> korean-hangul3f. Here's the code I used:
> (with-eval-after-load "language/korea-util"
> (defun toggle-korean-input-method ()
> "Turn on or off a Korean text input method for the current butter."
> (interactive)
> (if current-input-method
>     (deactivate-input-method)
>     (activate-input-method)
>         (concat "korean-hangul3f" default-korean-keyboard)))))
> This worked, but it took me a lot of time, frustration, and a crash course on 
> the
> workings of Emacs. It seems to me the much more logical way for this
> function to work is to look for any relevant user configurations
> and setting the layout accordingly rather than statically setting the Korean
> layout.
> All this was after I had to redefine a different function because Korean
> layouts were not compatible with Dvorak layout, which I solved with the
> help of the patch  here: https://blog.jamzattack.xyz/emacs-hangul-input.html 
> Updating hangul.el as described there
> would solve the Dvorak-Korean incompatibility.
> I hope these suggestions will help in improving Emacs, which despite my
> short usage and the problems I ran into is a great, versatile
> program. Keep up the good work!
> With regards,
> L.J.

IMHO, i think we need to confirm of Jihyun(KLDP: sylphong) -- the author
of korean-input-method in GNU Emacs [1].

Sincerely, Byung-Hee

[1] https://kldp.org/node/91578

^고맙습니다 _布德天下_ 감사합니다_^))//

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