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bug#16333: 24.3.50; Info manuals: link defined terms to their glossary e

From: Drew Adams
Subject: bug#16333: 24.3.50; Info manuals: link defined terms to their glossary entries
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2020 14:14:54 -0700 (PDT)

> Here's a suggestion, to make this less rigid/fragile:
> Substitute for "mouse-2" everywhere in the help text,
> as follows.
> (defun mouse-fixup-help-message (msg)
>   "Fix help message MSG for `mouse-1-click-follows-link'."
>   (let (mp pos)
>     (when (and mouse-1-click-follows-link
>                (stringp msg)
>                (string-match-p "mouse-2" msg)
>                (setq mp  (mouse-pixel-position))
>                (consp (setq pos (cdr mp)))
>                (car pos) (>= (car pos) 0)
>                (cdr pos) (>= (cdr pos) 0)
>                (setq pos  (posn-at-x-y (car pos) (cdr pos) (car mp)))
>                (windowp (posn-window pos)))
>       (with-current-buffer (window-buffer (posn-window pos))
>         (when (mouse-on-link-p pos)
>           (setq msg  (replace-regexp-in-string
>                       "mouse-2"
>                       (concat
>                        (cond ((eq mouse-1-click-follows-link 'double)
>                               "double-")
>                              ((and (integerp mouse-1-click-follows-link)
>                                    (< mouse-1-click-follows-link 0))
>                               "Long ")
>                              (t ""))
>                        "mouse-1")
>                       msg))))))
>   msg)
> ___
> Or if you think it's more appropriate for some reason,
> then substitute only the first occurrence of "mouse-2".
> Of if you think we should let users specify exactly
> which occurrences of "mouse-2" to substitute, then
> define a formatting escape for that (e.g. "%m"), so
> only "mouse-2" occurrences preceded by that escape get
> substituted.  E.g., "xxx%mmouse-2" would substitute
> the "mouse-2", but "xxxmouse-2" would not.

Actually, the following is much better.  It lets code
use different patterns in different contexts, by binding
the variable.

Should I submit this as a separate bug report, or can it
be considered in the context of this one?

(defvar mouse-fixup-help-replace-regexp
  '("\\(?:\\|[[:space:]]\\)\\(mouse-2\\)" . 1)
  "Regexp to match \"mouse-2\" in MSG.
The value is a cons (REGEXP . N).  Function `mouse-fixup-help-message'
replaces the match of subexpression N, of the text that matches
REGEXP, with \"mouse-1\".")

(defun mouse-fixup-help-message (msg)
  "Fix help message MSG for `mouse-1-click-follows-link'."
  (let (mp pos)
    (when (and mouse-1-click-follows-link
               (stringp msg)
               (string-match-p "mouse-2" msg)
               (setq mp  (mouse-pixel-position))
               (consp (setq pos (cdr mp)))
               (car pos) (>= (car pos) 0)
               (cdr pos) (>= (cdr pos) 0)
               (setq pos  (posn-at-x-y (car pos) (cdr pos) (car mp)))
               (windowp (posn-window pos)))
      (with-current-buffer (window-buffer (posn-window pos))
        (when (mouse-on-link-p pos)
          (setq msg  (replace-regexp-in-string
                      (car mouse-fixup-help-replace-regexp)
                       (cond ((eq mouse-1-click-follows-link 'double)
                             ((and (integerp mouse-1-click-follows-link)
                                   (< mouse-1-click-follows-link 0))
                              "Long ")
                             (t ""))
                      msg nil nil (cdr mouse-fixup-help-replace-regexp)))))))

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