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bug#44804: 28.0.50; loading EBDB using use-package is throwing error

From: Pankaj Jangid
Subject: bug#44804: 28.0.50; loading EBDB using use-package is throwing error
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2020 11:17:41 +0530
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.0.50 (darwin)

Eric Abrahamsen <eric@ericabrahamsen.net> writes:

>> use this when `use-package' will be part of core emacs:
>> (use-package ebdb
>>   :ensure t
>>   :config
>>   (use-package 'ebdb-gnus  ; no `:ensure t' here, installed with ebdb
>>     :hook emacs-startup)
>>   (use-package 'ebdb-message
>>     :hook emacs-startup))
> So this is causing the same error?

Yes. This produces same error and two more for `edbd-gnus' and

>> ;; Error (use-package): Failed to parse package 'ebdb-gnus: Wrong type
>>    argument: symbolp, 'ebdb-gnus Disable showing Disable logging
>> ;; Error (use-package): Failed to parse package 'ebdb-message: Wrong type
>>    argument: symbolp, 'ebdb-message Disable showing Disable logging
> Can you turn on debug-on-error (or start with --debug-init if it's
> blowing up at startup) and see what the actual backtrace is? Your
> original error was "Wrong type argument: listp, require", which doesn't
> mean very much to me.

The above configuration with debug-on-error produces this long output:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument symbolp 'ebdb-gnus)
  use-package-normalize-keywords('ebdb-gnus (:hook emacs-startup))
  #f(compiled-function (name &rest args) "Declare an Emacs package by 
specifying a group of configuration options.\n\nFor full documentation, please 
see the README file that came with\nthis file.  Usage:\n\n  (use-package 
package-name\n     [:keyword [option]]...)\n\n:init            Code to run 
before PACKAGE-NAME has been loaded.\n:config          Code to run after 
PACKAGE-NAME has been loaded.  Note that\n                 if loading is 
deferred for any reason, this code does not\n                 execute until the 
lazy load has occurred.\n:preface         Code to be run before everything 
except `:disabled'; this\n                 can be used to define functions for 
use in `:if', or that\n                 should be seen by the 
byte-compiler.\n\n:mode            Form to be added to 
`auto-mode-alist'.\n:magic           Form to be added to 
`magic-mode-alist'.\n:magic-fallback  Form to be added to 
`magic-fallback-mode-alist'.\n:interpreter     Form to be added to 
`interpreter-mode-alist'.\n\n:commands        Define autoloads for commands 
that will be defined by the\n                 package.  This is useful if the 
package is being lazily\n                 loaded, and you wish to conditionally 
call functions in your\n                 `:init' block that are defined in the 
package.\n:hook            Specify hook(s) to attach this package to.\n\n:bind  
          Bind keys, and define autoloads for the bound commands.\n:bind*       
    Bind keys, and define autoloads for the bound commands,\n                 
*overriding all minor mode bindings*.\n:bind-keymap     Bind a key prefix to an 
auto-loaded keymap defined in the\n                 package.  This is like 
`:bind', but for keymaps.\n:bind-keymap*    Like `:bind-keymap', but overrides 
all minor mode bindings\n\n:defer           Defer loading of a package -- this 
is implied when using\n                 `:commands', `:bind', `:bind*', 
`:mode', `:magic', `:hook',\n                 `:magic-fallback', or 
`:interpreter'.  This can be an integer,\n                 to force loading 
after N seconds of idle time, if the package\n                 has not already 
been loaded.\n:after           Delay the use-package declaration until after 
the named modules\n                 have loaded. Once load, it will be as 
though the use-package\n                 declaration (without `:after') had 
been seen at that moment.\n:demand          Prevent the automatic deferred 
loading introduced by constructs\n                 such as `:bind' (see 
`:defer' for the complete list).\n\n:if EXPR         Initialize and load only 
if EXPR evaluates to a non-nil value.\n:disabled        The package is ignored 
completely if this keyword is present.\n:defines         Declare certain 
variables to silence the byte-compiler.\n:functions       Declare certain 
functions to silence the byte-compiler.\n:load-path       Add to the 
`load-path' before attempting to load the package.\n:diminish        Support 
for diminish.el (if installed).\n:delight         Support for delight.el (if 
installed).\n:custom          Call `custom-set' or `set-default' with each 
variable\n                 definition without modifying the Emacs 
`custom-file'.\n                 (compare with 
`custom-set-variables').\n:custom-face     Call `customize-set-faces' with each 
face definition.\n:ensure          Loads the package using package.el if 
necessary.\n:pin             Pin the package to an archive." #<bytecode 
-0x1108899a2a375614>)('ebdb-gnus :hook emacs-startup)
  macroexpand((use-package 'ebdb-gnus :hook emacs-startup))
  #f(compiled-function (form) #<bytecode -0x12004d08290ce1d1>)((use-package 
'ebdb-gnus :hook emacs-startup))
  mapcar(#f(compiled-function (form) #<bytecode -0x12004d08290ce1d1>) 
((use-package 'ebdb-gnus :hook emacs-startup) (use-package 'ebdb-message :hook 
  use-package-normalize-form(":config" ((use-package 'ebdb-gnus :hook 
emacs-startup) (use-package 'ebdb-message :hook emacs-startup)))
  use-package-normalize/:config(ebdb :config ((use-package 'ebdb-gnus :hook 
emacs-startup) (use-package 'ebdb-message :hook emacs-startup)))
  use-package-normalize-plist(ebdb (:config (use-package 'ebdb-gnus :hook 
emacs-startup) (use-package 'ebdb-message :hook emacs-startup)) nil 
  use-package-normalize-plist(ebdb (:ensure t :config (use-package 'ebdb-gnus 
:hook emacs-startup) (use-package 'ebdb-message :hook emacs-startup)) nil 
  use-package-normalize-keywords(ebdb (:ensure t :config (use-package 
'ebdb-gnus :hook emacs-startup) (use-package 'ebdb-message :hook 
  #f(compiled-function (name &rest args) "Declare an Emacs package by 
specifying a group of configuration options.\n\nFor full documentation, please 
see the README file that came with\nthis file.  Usage:\n\n  (use-package 
package-name\n     [:keyword [option]]...)\n\n:init            Code to run 
before PACKAGE-NAME has been loaded.\n:config          Code to run after 
PACKAGE-NAME has been loaded.  Note that\n                 if loading is 
deferred for any reason, this code does not\n                 execute until the 
lazy load has occurred.\n:preface         Code to be run before everything 
except `:disabled'; this\n                 can be used to define functions for 
use in `:if', or that\n                 should be seen by the 
byte-compiler.\n\n:mode            Form to be added to 
`auto-mode-alist'.\n:magic           Form to be added to 
`magic-mode-alist'.\n:magic-fallback  Form to be added to 
`magic-fallback-mode-alist'.\n:interpreter     Form to be added to 
`interpreter-mode-alist'.\n\n:commands        Define autoloads for commands 
that will be defined by the\n                 package.  This is useful if the 
package is being lazily\n                 loaded, and you wish to conditionally 
call functions in your\n                 `:init' block that are defined in the 
package.\n:hook            Specify hook(s) to attach this package to.\n\n:bind  
          Bind keys, and define autoloads for the bound commands.\n:bind*       
    Bind keys, and define autoloads for the bound commands,\n                 
*overriding all minor mode bindings*.\n:bind-keymap     Bind a key prefix to an 
auto-loaded keymap defined in the\n                 package.  This is like 
`:bind', but for keymaps.\n:bind-keymap*    Like `:bind-keymap', but overrides 
all minor mode bindings\n\n:defer           Defer loading of a package -- this 
is implied when using\n                 `:commands', `:bind', `:bind*', 
`:mode', `:magic', `:hook',\n                 `:magic-fallback', or 
`:interpreter'.  This can be an integer,\n                 to force loading 
after N seconds of idle time, if the package\n                 has not already 
been loaded.\n:after           Delay the use-package declaration until after 
the named modules\n                 have loaded. Once load, it will be as 
though the use-package\n                 declaration (without `:after') had 
been seen at that moment.\n:demand          Prevent the automatic deferred 
loading introduced by constructs\n                 such as `:bind' (see 
`:defer' for the complete list).\n\n:if EXPR         Initialize and load only 
if EXPR evaluates to a non-nil value.\n:disabled        The package is ignored 
completely if this keyword is present.\n:defines         Declare certain 
variables to silence the byte-compiler.\n:functions       Declare certain 
functions to silence the byte-compiler.\n:load-path       Add to the 
`load-path' before attempting to load the package.\n:diminish        Support 
for diminish.el (if installed).\n:delight         Support for delight.el (if 
installed).\n:custom          Call `custom-set' or `set-default' with each 
variable\n                 definition without modifying the Emacs 
`custom-file'.\n                 (compare with 
`custom-set-variables').\n:custom-face     Call `customize-set-faces' with each 
face definition.\n:ensure          Loads the package using package.el if 
necessary.\n:pin             Pin the package to an archive." #<bytecode 
-0x1108899a2a375614>)(ebdb :ensure t :config (use-package 'ebdb-gnus :hook 
emacs-startup) (use-package 'ebdb-message :hook emacs-startup))
  macroexpand((use-package ebdb :ensure t :config (use-package 'ebdb-gnus :hook 
emacs-startup) (use-package 'ebdb-message :hook emacs-startup)))
  internal-macroexpand-for-load((use-package ebdb :ensure t :config 
(use-package 'ebdb-gnus :hook emacs-startup) (use-package 'ebdb-message :hook 
emacs-startup)) nil)
  eval-buffer(#<buffer  *load*-780926> nil 
"/Users/pankaj/.config/emacs/lisp/init-ebdb.el" nil t)  ; Reading at buffer 
position 359
"/Users/pankaj/.config/emacs/lisp/init-ebdb.el" nil t)
  eval-buffer(#<buffer  *load*> nil "/Users/pankaj/.config/emacs/init.el" nil 
t)  ; Reading at buffer position 1876
"/Users/pankaj/.config/emacs/init.el" t t)
  load("/Users/pankaj/.config/emacs/init" noerror nomessage)
  startup--load-user-init-file(#f(compiled-function () #<bytecode 
-0x1f1eeb94b9b023a1>) #f(compiled-function () #<bytecode 0x2eac4b2ad19c19f>) t)
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

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