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bug#43389: 28.0.50; Emacs memory leaks using hard disk all time

From: Jean Louis
Subject: bug#43389: 28.0.50; Emacs memory leaks using hard disk all time
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2020 13:59:47 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/2.0 (3d08634) (2020-11-07)

The session I was running with jemalloc memory leak logging is
finished now. 

Just the same thing happened. It started getting slower and slower. 

In the IceWM window manager I have visual representation of memory
usage and that is how I get feeling, there is also tooltip telling me
that more and more memory is used. When it starts to swap like 3 GB
then I turn on symon-mode and in Emacs I see more and more swapping.

The heap file is here 24M, maybe not needed for review:

Visualization is here 20K PDF file:

Do you see anything interesting inside that should tell about memory leaks?


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