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bug#47261: Destructuring with Pcase without assigning values

From: Okam
Subject: bug#47261: Destructuring with Pcase without assigning values
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2021 01:24:11 +0000

On 3/19/21 5:45 PM, Stefan Monnier wrote:
> I massaged the code so that it now exports the following function:
>      (defun pcase-compile-patterns (exp cases)
>        "Compile the set of patterns in CASES.
>      EXP is the expression that will be matched against the patterns.
>      CASES is a list of elements (PAT . CODEGEN)
>      where CODEGEN is a function that returns the code to use when
>      PAT matches.  That code has to be in the form of a cons cell.
>      CODEGEN will be called with at least 2 arguments, VARVALS and COUNT.
>      VARVALS is a list of elements of the form (VAR VAL . RESERVED) where VAR
>      is a variable bound by the pattern and VAL is a duplicable expression
>      that returns the value this variable should be bound to.
>      If the pattern PAT uses `or', CODEGEN may be called multiple times,
>      in which case it may want to generate the code differently to avoid
>      a potential code explosion.  For this reason the COUNT argument indicates
>      how many time this CODEGEN is called."
> The `pcase` macro itself uses this function, so it should hopefully be
> "good enough", but let me know if it's causing you trouble.
>          Stefan

This seems to work well for my use case. Thank you for making this change.

Are the variables always given in the order that they appear in the
pattern? If not, is finding elements of the form "(\, SYMBOL)" enough to
identify variables in a Pcase pattern?

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