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bug#51877: 27.2; term: error in process filter

From: Christopher Howard
Subject: bug#51877: 27.2; term: error in process filter
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2022 13:01:12 -0900

On Thu, Jan 20, 2022 at 10:02:10PM +0200, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
> I don't think this would help.  Can you manually modify the function
> term-emulate-terminal to use 'raw-text instead of
> locale-coding-system, and then re-run the scenario in which you get
> these problems?

This seems to generate the same result, except with more elaborate debugger 

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (args-out-of-range "l \3\220\0332Nn\f\217" 0 -48)
  substring("l \3\220\0332Nn\f\217" 0 -48)
  (insert (substring decoded-substring 0 (- term-width old-column)))
  (while (> (+ (length decoded-substring) old-column) term-width) (insert 
(substring decoded-substring 0 (- term-width old-column))) (delete-region 
(point) (line-end-position)) (term-down 1 t) (term-move-columns (- 
(term-current-column))) (add-text-properties (1- (point)) (point) 
'(term-line-wrap t rear-nonsticky t)) (setq decoded-substring (substring 
decoded-substring (- term-width old-column))) (setq old-column 0))
  (if term-suppress-hard-newline nil (while (> (+ (length decoded-substring) 
old-column) term-width) (insert (substring decoded-substring 0 (- term-width 
old-column))) (delete-region (point) (line-end-position)) (term-down 1 t) 
(term-move-columns (- (term-current-column))) (add-text-properties (1- (point)) 
(point) '(term-line-wrap t rear-nonsticky t)) (setq decoded-substring 
(substring decoded-substring (- term-width old-column))) (setq old-column 0)))
  (let ((old-column (term-horizontal-column)) (old-point (point)) columns) (if 
term-suppress-hard-newline nil (while (> (+ (length decoded-substring) 
old-column) term-width) (insert (substring decoded-substring 0 (- term-width 
old-column))) (delete-region (point) (line-end-position)) (term-down 1 t) 
(term-move-columns (- (term-current-column))) (add-text-properties (1- (point)) 
(point) '(term-line-wrap t rear-nonsticky t)) (setq decoded-substring 
(substring decoded-substring (- term-width old-column))) (setq old-column 0))) 
(insert decoded-substring) (setq term-current-column (current-column) columns 
(- term-current-column old-column)) (if (not (or (eobp) term-insert-mode)) 
(progn (let ((pos (point))) (term-move-columns columns) (delete-region pos 
(point)) (setq term-current-column nil)))) (if term-insert-mode (progn (let 
((pos (point))) (end-of-line) (if (> (current-column) term-width) (progn 
(delete-region (- ... ...) (point)))) (goto-char pos)))) (put-text-property 
old-point (point) 'font-lock-face term-current-face))
  (progn (if term-do-line-wrapping (progn (term-down 1 t) (term-move-to-column 
0) (setq term-do-line-wrapping nil))) (setq decoded-substring 
(decode-coding-string (substring str i funny) 'raw-text t)) (if (= funny 
str-length) (progn (let ((partial 0) (count (length decoded-substring))) (while 
(and (< partial count) (eq (char-charset ...) 'eight-bit)) (setq partial (1+ 
partial))) (if (> count partial 0) (progn (setq term-terminal-undecoded-bytes 
(substring decoded-substring ...)) (setq decoded-substring (substring 
decoded-substring 0 ...)) (setq str-length (- str-length partial)) (setq funny 
(- funny partial))))))) (let ((old-column (term-horizontal-column)) (old-point 
(point)) columns) (if term-suppress-hard-newline nil (while (> (+ (length 
decoded-substring) old-column) term-width) (insert (substring decoded-substring 
0 (- term-width old-column))) (delete-region (point) (line-end-position)) 
(term-down 1 t) (term-move-columns (- (term-current-column))) 
(add-text-properties (1- (point)) (point) '(term-line-wrap t rear-nonsticky t)) 
(setq decoded-substring (substring decoded-substring (- term-width 
old-column))) (setq old-column 0))) (insert decoded-substring) (setq 
term-current-column (current-column) columns (- term-current-column 
old-column)) (if (not (or (eobp) term-insert-mode)) (progn (let ((pos (point))) 
(term-move-columns columns) (delete-region pos (point)) (setq 
term-current-column nil)))) (if term-insert-mode (progn (let ((pos (point))) 
(end-of-line) (if (> (current-column) term-width) (progn (delete-region ... 
...))) (goto-char pos)))) (put-text-property old-point (point) 'font-lock-face 
term-current-face)) (if (eq (term-current-column) term-width) (progn 
(term-move-columns -1) (setq term-do-line-wrapping (point)))) (setq 
term-current-column nil) (setq i funny))
  (if (> funny i) (progn (if term-do-line-wrapping (progn (term-down 1 t) 
(term-move-to-column 0) (setq term-do-line-wrapping nil))) (setq 
decoded-substring (decode-coding-string (substring str i funny) 'raw-text t)) 
(if (= funny str-length) (progn (let ((partial 0) (count (length 
decoded-substring))) (while (and (< partial count) (eq ... ...)) (setq partial 
(1+ partial))) (if (> count partial 0) (progn (setq 
term-terminal-undecoded-bytes ...) (setq decoded-substring ...) (setq 
str-length ...) (setq funny ...)))))) (let ((old-column 
(term-horizontal-column)) (old-point (point)) columns) (if 
term-suppress-hard-newline nil (while (> (+ (length decoded-substring) 
old-column) term-width) (insert (substring decoded-substring 0 (- term-width 
old-column))) (delete-region (point) (line-end-position)) (term-down 1 t) 
(term-move-columns (- (term-current-column))) (add-text-properties (1- (point)) 
(point) '(term-line-wrap t rear-nonsticky t)) (setq decoded-substring 
(substring decoded-substring (- term-width old-column))) (setq old-column 0))) 
(insert decoded-substring) (setq term-current-column (current-column) columns 
(- term-current-column old-column)) (if (not (or (eobp) term-insert-mode)) 
(progn (let ((pos ...)) (term-move-columns columns) (delete-region pos (point)) 
(setq term-current-column nil)))) (if term-insert-mode (progn (let ((pos ...)) 
(end-of-line) (if (> ... term-width) (progn ...)) (goto-char pos)))) 
(put-text-property old-point (point) 'font-lock-face term-current-face)) (if 
(eq (term-current-column) term-width) (progn (term-move-columns -1) (setq 
term-do-line-wrapping (point)))) (setq term-current-column nil) (setq i funny)))
  (let ((ctl-params (and funny (match-string 1 str))) (ctl-params-end (and 
funny (match-end 1))) (ctl-end (if funny (match-end 0) (setq funny 
(string-match term-control-seq-prefix-regexp str i)) (if funny (setq 
term-terminal-undecoded-bytes (substring str funny)) (setq funny str-length)) 
(1+ str-length)))) (if (> funny i) (progn (if term-do-line-wrapping (progn 
(term-down 1 t) (term-move-to-column 0) (setq term-do-line-wrapping nil))) 
(setq decoded-substring (decode-coding-string (substring str i funny) 'raw-text 
t)) (if (= funny str-length) (progn (let ((partial 0) (count ...)) (while (and 
... ...) (setq partial ...)) (if (> count partial 0) (progn ... ... ... 
...))))) (let ((old-column (term-horizontal-column)) (old-point (point)) 
columns) (if term-suppress-hard-newline nil (while (> (+ ... old-column) 
term-width) (insert (substring decoded-substring 0 ...)) (delete-region (point) 
(line-end-position)) (term-down 1 t) (term-move-columns (- ...)) 
(add-text-properties (1- ...) (point) '...) (setq decoded-substring (substring 
decoded-substring ...)) (setq old-column 0))) (insert decoded-substring) (setq 
term-current-column (current-column) columns (- term-current-column 
old-column)) (if (not (or (eobp) term-insert-mode)) (progn (let (...) 
(term-move-columns columns) (delete-region pos ...) (setq term-current-column 
nil)))) (if term-insert-mode (progn (let (...) (end-of-line) (if ... ...) 
(goto-char pos)))) (put-text-property old-point (point) 'font-lock-face 
term-current-face)) (if (eq (term-current-column) term-width) (progn 
(term-move-columns -1) (setq term-do-line-wrapping (point)))) (setq 
term-current-column nil) (setq i funny))) (let* ((val (and (<= ctl-end 
str-length) (aref str i)))) (cond ((eql val 9) (let ((col 
(term-current-column))) (term-move-to-column (min (1- term-width) (+ col 8 
...))))) ((eql val 13) (funcall term-vertical-motion 0) (setq 
term-current-column term-start-line-column)) ((eql val 10) (if (and 
term-kill-echo-list (term-check-kill-echo-list)) nil (term-down 1 t))) ((eql 
val 8) (term-move-columns -1)) ((eql val 7) (beep t)) ((eql val 26) (funcall 
term-command-function (decode-coding-string (substring str (1+ i) (- ctl-end 
...)) locale-coding-system t))) ((eql val 27) (let* ((val (aref str ...))) 
(cond ((eql val 91) (if ... ...)) ((eql val 68) (term-handle-deferred-scroll) 
(term-down 1 t)) ((eql val 77) (if ... ... ...)) ((eql val 55) 
(term-handle-deferred-scroll) (setq term-saved-cursor ...)) ((eql val 56) (if 
term-saved-cursor ...)) ((eql val 99) (term-reset-terminal)) ((eql val 65) 
(term-handle-ansi-terminal-messages ...)) (t nil)))) ((memql val '(nil 15 14 
0)) nil) (t (let ((x0 val)) (error "No clause matching `%S'" x0))))) (if (eq 
term-do-line-wrapping (point)) nil (setq term-do-line-wrapping nil)) (if 
term-pager-old-local-map (progn (if (> (% (current-column) term-width) 0) (setq 
term-terminal-undecoded-bytes (substring str i)) (if (= 0 i) (setq 
term-terminal-undecoded-bytes (concat "\15" (substring str i))) (setq 
term-terminal-undecoded-bytes (substring str (1- i))) (aset 
term-terminal-undecoded-bytes 0 13)) (goto-char (point-max))) 
(make-local-variable 'term-pager-old-filter) (setq term-pager-old-filter 
(process-filter proc)) (set-process-filter proc term-pager-filter) (setq i 
str-length)) (setq i ctl-end)))
  (while (< i str-length) (setq funny (string-match term-control-seq-regexp str 
i)) (let ((ctl-params (and funny (match-string 1 str))) (ctl-params-end (and 
funny (match-end 1))) (ctl-end (if funny (match-end 0) (setq funny 
(string-match term-control-seq-prefix-regexp str i)) (if funny (setq 
term-terminal-undecoded-bytes (substring str funny)) (setq funny str-length)) 
(1+ str-length)))) (if (> funny i) (progn (if term-do-line-wrapping (progn 
(term-down 1 t) (term-move-to-column 0) (setq term-do-line-wrapping nil))) 
(setq decoded-substring (decode-coding-string (substring str i funny) 'raw-text 
t)) (if (= funny str-length) (progn (let (... ...) (while ... ...) (if ... 
...)))) (let ((old-column (term-horizontal-column)) (old-point (point)) 
columns) (if term-suppress-hard-newline nil (while (> ... term-width) (insert 
...) (delete-region ... ...) (term-down 1 t) (term-move-columns ...) 
(add-text-properties ... ... ...) (setq decoded-substring ...) (setq old-column 
0))) (insert decoded-substring) (setq term-current-column (current-column) 
columns (- term-current-column old-column)) (if (not (or ... term-insert-mode)) 
(progn (let ... ... ... ...))) (if term-insert-mode (progn (let ... ... ... 
...))) (put-text-property old-point (point) 'font-lock-face term-current-face)) 
(if (eq (term-current-column) term-width) (progn (term-move-columns -1) (setq 
term-do-line-wrapping (point)))) (setq term-current-column nil) (setq i 
funny))) (let* ((val (and (<= ctl-end str-length) (aref str i)))) (cond ((eql 
val 9) (let ((col ...)) (term-move-to-column (min ... ...)))) ((eql val 13) 
(funcall term-vertical-motion 0) (setq term-current-column 
term-start-line-column)) ((eql val 10) (if (and term-kill-echo-list 
(term-check-kill-echo-list)) nil (term-down 1 t))) ((eql val 8) 
(term-move-columns -1)) ((eql val 7) (beep t)) ((eql val 26) (funcall 
term-command-function (decode-coding-string (substring str ... ...) 
locale-coding-system t))) ((eql val 27) (let* ((val ...)) (cond (... ...) (... 
... ...) (... ...) (... ... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (t nil)))) 
((memql val '(nil 15 14 0)) nil) (t (let ((x0 val)) (error "No clause matching 
`%S'" x0))))) (if (eq term-do-line-wrapping (point)) nil (setq 
term-do-line-wrapping nil)) (if term-pager-old-local-map (progn (if (> (% 
(current-column) term-width) 0) (setq term-terminal-undecoded-bytes (substring 
str i)) (if (= 0 i) (setq term-terminal-undecoded-bytes (concat "\15" ...)) 
(setq term-terminal-undecoded-bytes (substring str ...)) (aset 
term-terminal-undecoded-bytes 0 13)) (goto-char (point-max))) 
(make-local-variable 'term-pager-old-filter) (setq term-pager-old-filter 
(process-filter proc)) (set-process-filter proc term-pager-filter) (setq i 
str-length)) (setq i ctl-end))))
  (save-restriction (if (and (> (point-max) (process-mark proc)) (not (eq 
(current-local-map) term-raw-map))) (progn (narrow-to-region (point-min) 
(process-mark proc)))) (if term-log-buffer (progn (princ str term-log-buffer))) 
(if term-terminal-undecoded-bytes (progn (setq str (concat 
term-terminal-undecoded-bytes str)) (setq str-length (length str)) (setq 
term-terminal-undecoded-bytes nil))) (while (< i str-length) (setq funny 
(string-match term-control-seq-regexp str i)) (let ((ctl-params (and funny 
(match-string 1 str))) (ctl-params-end (and funny (match-end 1))) (ctl-end (if 
funny (match-end 0) (setq funny (string-match term-control-seq-prefix-regexp 
str i)) (if funny (setq term-terminal-undecoded-bytes ...) (setq funny 
str-length)) (1+ str-length)))) (if (> funny i) (progn (if 
term-do-line-wrapping (progn (term-down 1 t) (term-move-to-column 0) (setq 
term-do-line-wrapping nil))) (setq decoded-substring (decode-coding-string 
(substring str i funny) 'raw-text t)) (if (= funny str-length) (progn (let ... 
... ...))) (let ((old-column ...) (old-point ...) columns) (if 
term-suppress-hard-newline nil (while ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...)) (insert 
decoded-substring) (setq term-current-column (current-column) columns (- 
term-current-column old-column)) (if (not ...) (progn ...)) (if 
term-insert-mode (progn ...)) (put-text-property old-point (point) 
'font-lock-face term-current-face)) (if (eq (term-current-column) term-width) 
(progn (term-move-columns -1) (setq term-do-line-wrapping ...))) (setq 
term-current-column nil) (setq i funny))) (let* ((val (and (<= ctl-end 
str-length) (aref str i)))) (cond ((eql val 9) (let (...) (term-move-to-column 
...))) ((eql val 13) (funcall term-vertical-motion 0) (setq term-current-column 
term-start-line-column)) ((eql val 10) (if (and term-kill-echo-list ...) nil 
(term-down 1 t))) ((eql val 8) (term-move-columns -1)) ((eql val 7) (beep t)) 
((eql val 26) (funcall term-command-function (decode-coding-string ... 
locale-coding-system t))) ((eql val 27) (let* (...) (cond ... ... ... ... ... 
... ... ...))) ((memql val '...) nil) (t (let (...) (error "No clause matching 
`%S'" x0))))) (if (eq term-do-line-wrapping (point)) nil (setq 
term-do-line-wrapping nil)) (if term-pager-old-local-map (progn (if (> (% ... 
term-width) 0) (setq term-terminal-undecoded-bytes (substring str i)) (if (= 0 
i) (setq term-terminal-undecoded-bytes ...) (setq term-terminal-undecoded-bytes 
...) (aset term-terminal-undecoded-bytes 0 13)) (goto-char (point-max))) 
(make-local-variable 'term-pager-old-filter) (setq term-pager-old-filter 
(process-filter proc)) (set-process-filter proc term-pager-filter) (setq i 
str-length)) (setq i ctl-end)))))
  (progn (if (marker-buffer term-pending-delete-marker) (progn (delete-region 
term-pending-delete-marker (process-mark proc)) (set-marker 
term-pending-delete-marker nil))) (if (/= (point) (process-mark proc)) (progn 
(setq save-point (point-marker)))) (setq term-vertical-motion (if (eq 
(window-buffer) (current-buffer)) 'vertical-motion 
'term-buffer-vertical-motion)) (setq save-marker (copy-marker (process-mark 
proc))) (goto-char (process-mark proc)) (save-restriction (if (and (> 
(point-max) (process-mark proc)) (not (eq (current-local-map) term-raw-map))) 
(progn (narrow-to-region (point-min) (process-mark proc)))) (if term-log-buffer 
(progn (princ str term-log-buffer))) (if term-terminal-undecoded-bytes (progn 
(setq str (concat term-terminal-undecoded-bytes str)) (setq str-length (length 
str)) (setq term-terminal-undecoded-bytes nil))) (while (< i str-length) (setq 
funny (string-match term-control-seq-regexp str i)) (let ((ctl-params (and 
funny (match-string 1 str))) (ctl-params-end (and funny (match-end 1))) 
(ctl-end (if funny (match-end 0) (setq funny ...) (if funny ... ...) (1+ 
str-length)))) (if (> funny i) (progn (if term-do-line-wrapping (progn ... ... 
...)) (setq decoded-substring (decode-coding-string ... ... t)) (if (= funny 
str-length) (progn ...)) (let (... ... columns) (if term-suppress-hard-newline 
nil ...) (insert decoded-substring) (setq term-current-column ... columns ...) 
(if ... ...) (if term-insert-mode ...) (put-text-property old-point ... ... 
term-current-face)) (if (eq ... term-width) (progn ... ...)) (setq 
term-current-column nil) (setq i funny))) (let* ((val (and ... ...))) (cond 
((eql val 9) (let ... ...)) ((eql val 13) (funcall term-vertical-motion 0) 
(setq term-current-column term-start-line-column)) ((eql val 10) (if ... nil 
...)) ((eql val 8) (term-move-columns -1)) ((eql val 7) (beep t)) ((eql val 26) 
(funcall term-command-function ...)) ((eql val 27) (let* ... ...)) ((memql val 
...) nil) (t (let ... ...)))) (if (eq term-do-line-wrapping (point)) nil (setq 
term-do-line-wrapping nil)) (if term-pager-old-local-map (progn (if (> ... 0) 
(setq term-terminal-undecoded-bytes ...) (if ... ... ... ...) (goto-char ...)) 
(make-local-variable 'term-pager-old-filter) (setq term-pager-old-filter 
(process-filter proc)) (set-process-filter proc term-pager-filter) (setq i 
str-length)) (setq i ctl-end))))) (if (>= (term-current-row) term-height) 
(progn (term-handle-deferred-scroll))) (set-marker (process-mark proc) (point)) 
(if (stringp decoded-substring) (progn (term-watch-for-password-prompt 
decoded-substring))) (if save-point (progn (goto-char save-point) (set-marker 
save-point nil))) (if (and term-pending-frame (eq (window-buffer selected) 
(current-buffer))) (progn (term-display-line (car term-pending-frame) (cdr 
term-pending-frame)) (setq term-pending-frame nil))) (setq win selected) (while 
(window-minibuffer-p win) (setq win (next-window win nil t))) (setq last-win 
win) (while (progn (setq win (next-window win nil t)) (if (eq (window-buffer 
win) (process-buffer proc)) (progn (let ((scroll 
term-scroll-to-bottom-on-output)) (select-window win) (if (or ... ... ... ... 
...) (progn ... ... ... ...)) (if (and term-scroll-show-maximum-output ...) 
(progn ...))))) (not (eq win last-win)))) (if (> term-buffer-maximum-size 0) 
(progn (save-excursion (goto-char (process-mark (get-buffer-process 
(current-buffer)))) (forward-line (- term-buffer-maximum-size)) 
(beginning-of-line) (delete-region (point-min) (point))))) (set-marker 
save-marker nil))
  (unwind-protect (progn (if (marker-buffer term-pending-delete-marker) (progn 
(delete-region term-pending-delete-marker (process-mark proc)) (set-marker 
term-pending-delete-marker nil))) (if (/= (point) (process-mark proc)) (progn 
(setq save-point (point-marker)))) (setq term-vertical-motion (if (eq 
(window-buffer) (current-buffer)) 'vertical-motion 
'term-buffer-vertical-motion)) (setq save-marker (copy-marker (process-mark 
proc))) (goto-char (process-mark proc)) (save-restriction (if (and (> 
(point-max) (process-mark proc)) (not (eq (current-local-map) term-raw-map))) 
(progn (narrow-to-region (point-min) (process-mark proc)))) (if term-log-buffer 
(progn (princ str term-log-buffer))) (if term-terminal-undecoded-bytes (progn 
(setq str (concat term-terminal-undecoded-bytes str)) (setq str-length (length 
str)) (setq term-terminal-undecoded-bytes nil))) (while (< i str-length) (setq 
funny (string-match term-control-seq-regexp str i)) (let ((ctl-params (and 
funny ...)) (ctl-params-end (and funny ...)) (ctl-end (if funny ... ... ... 
...))) (if (> funny i) (progn (if term-do-line-wrapping ...) (setq 
decoded-substring ...) (if ... ...) (let ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) (if ... 
...) (setq term-current-column nil) (setq i funny))) (let* ((val ...)) (cond 
(... ...) (... ... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (... 
nil) (t ...))) (if (eq term-do-line-wrapping (point)) nil (setq 
term-do-line-wrapping nil)) (if term-pager-old-local-map (progn (if ... ... ... 
...) (make-local-variable ...) (setq term-pager-old-filter ...) 
(set-process-filter proc term-pager-filter) (setq i str-length)) (setq i 
ctl-end))))) (if (>= (term-current-row) term-height) (progn 
(term-handle-deferred-scroll))) (set-marker (process-mark proc) (point)) (if 
(stringp decoded-substring) (progn (term-watch-for-password-prompt 
decoded-substring))) (if save-point (progn (goto-char save-point) (set-marker 
save-point nil))) (if (and term-pending-frame (eq (window-buffer selected) 
(current-buffer))) (progn (term-display-line (car term-pending-frame) (cdr 
term-pending-frame)) (setq term-pending-frame nil))) (setq win selected) (while 
(window-minibuffer-p win) (setq win (next-window win nil t))) (setq last-win 
win) (while (progn (setq win (next-window win nil t)) (if (eq (window-buffer 
win) (process-buffer proc)) (progn (let (...) (select-window win) (if ... ...) 
(if ... ...)))) (not (eq win last-win)))) (if (> term-buffer-maximum-size 0) 
(progn (save-excursion (goto-char (process-mark (get-buffer-process ...))) 
(forward-line (- term-buffer-maximum-size)) (beginning-of-line) (delete-region 
(point-min) (point))))) (set-marker save-marker nil)) 
(internal--after-save-selected-window save-selected-window--state))
  (save-current-buffer (unwind-protect (progn (if (marker-buffer 
term-pending-delete-marker) (progn (delete-region term-pending-delete-marker 
(process-mark proc)) (set-marker term-pending-delete-marker nil))) (if (/= 
(point) (process-mark proc)) (progn (setq save-point (point-marker)))) (setq 
term-vertical-motion (if (eq (window-buffer) (current-buffer)) 'vertical-motion 
'term-buffer-vertical-motion)) (setq save-marker (copy-marker (process-mark 
proc))) (goto-char (process-mark proc)) (save-restriction (if (and (> 
(point-max) (process-mark proc)) (not (eq ... term-raw-map))) (progn 
(narrow-to-region (point-min) (process-mark proc)))) (if term-log-buffer (progn 
(princ str term-log-buffer))) (if term-terminal-undecoded-bytes (progn (setq 
str (concat term-terminal-undecoded-bytes str)) (setq str-length (length str)) 
(setq term-terminal-undecoded-bytes nil))) (while (< i str-length) (setq funny 
(string-match term-control-seq-regexp str i)) (let ((ctl-params ...) 
(ctl-params-end ...) (ctl-end ...)) (if (> funny i) (progn ... ... ... ... ... 
... ...)) (let* (...) (cond ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...)) (if (eq 
term-do-line-wrapping ...) nil (setq term-do-line-wrapping nil)) (if 
term-pager-old-local-map (progn ... ... ... ... ...) (setq i ctl-end))))) (if 
(>= (term-current-row) term-height) (progn (term-handle-deferred-scroll))) 
(set-marker (process-mark proc) (point)) (if (stringp decoded-substring) (progn 
(term-watch-for-password-prompt decoded-substring))) (if save-point (progn 
(goto-char save-point) (set-marker save-point nil))) (if (and 
term-pending-frame (eq (window-buffer selected) (current-buffer))) (progn 
(term-display-line (car term-pending-frame) (cdr term-pending-frame)) (setq 
term-pending-frame nil))) (setq win selected) (while (window-minibuffer-p win) 
(setq win (next-window win nil t))) (setq last-win win) (while (progn (setq win 
(next-window win nil t)) (if (eq (window-buffer win) (process-buffer proc)) 
(progn (let ... ... ... ...))) (not (eq win last-win)))) (if (> 
term-buffer-maximum-size 0) (progn (save-excursion (goto-char (process-mark 
...)) (forward-line (- term-buffer-maximum-size)) (beginning-of-line) 
(delete-region (point-min) (point))))) (set-marker save-marker nil)) 
(internal--after-save-selected-window save-selected-window--state)))
  (let ((save-selected-window--state (internal--before-save-selected-window))) 
(save-current-buffer (unwind-protect (progn (if (marker-buffer 
term-pending-delete-marker) (progn (delete-region term-pending-delete-marker 
(process-mark proc)) (set-marker term-pending-delete-marker nil))) (if (/= 
(point) (process-mark proc)) (progn (setq save-point (point-marker)))) (setq 
term-vertical-motion (if (eq (window-buffer) (current-buffer)) 'vertical-motion 
'term-buffer-vertical-motion)) (setq save-marker (copy-marker (process-mark 
proc))) (goto-char (process-mark proc)) (save-restriction (if (and (> ... ...) 
(not ...)) (progn (narrow-to-region ... ...))) (if term-log-buffer (progn 
(princ str term-log-buffer))) (if term-terminal-undecoded-bytes (progn (setq 
str ...) (setq str-length ...) (setq term-terminal-undecoded-bytes nil))) 
(while (< i str-length) (setq funny (string-match term-control-seq-regexp str 
i)) (let (... ... ...) (if ... ...) (let* ... ...) (if ... nil ...) (if 
term-pager-old-local-map ... ...)))) (if (>= (term-current-row) term-height) 
(progn (term-handle-deferred-scroll))) (set-marker (process-mark proc) (point)) 
(if (stringp decoded-substring) (progn (term-watch-for-password-prompt 
decoded-substring))) (if save-point (progn (goto-char save-point) (set-marker 
save-point nil))) (if (and term-pending-frame (eq (window-buffer selected) 
(current-buffer))) (progn (term-display-line (car term-pending-frame) (cdr 
term-pending-frame)) (setq term-pending-frame nil))) (setq win selected) (while 
(window-minibuffer-p win) (setq win (next-window win nil t))) (setq last-win 
win) (while (progn (setq win (next-window win nil t)) (if (eq ... ...) (progn 
...)) (not (eq win last-win)))) (if (> term-buffer-maximum-size 0) (progn 
(save-excursion (goto-char ...) (forward-line ...) (beginning-of-line) 
(delete-region ... ...)))) (set-marker save-marker nil)) 
(internal--after-save-selected-window save-selected-window--state))))
  (let* ((i 0) funny decoded-substring save-point save-marker win 
(inhibit-read-only t) (buffer-undo-list t) (selected (selected-window)) 
last-win (str-length (length str))) (let ((save-selected-window--state 
(internal--before-save-selected-window))) (save-current-buffer (unwind-protect 
(progn (if (marker-buffer term-pending-delete-marker) (progn (delete-region 
term-pending-delete-marker ...) (set-marker term-pending-delete-marker nil))) 
(if (/= (point) (process-mark proc)) (progn (setq save-point ...))) (setq 
term-vertical-motion (if (eq ... ...) 'vertical-motion 
'term-buffer-vertical-motion)) (setq save-marker (copy-marker (process-mark 
proc))) (goto-char (process-mark proc)) (save-restriction (if (and ... ...) 
(progn ...)) (if term-log-buffer (progn ...)) (if term-terminal-undecoded-bytes 
(progn ... ... ...)) (while (< i str-length) (setq funny ...) (let ... ... ... 
... ...))) (if (>= (term-current-row) term-height) (progn 
(term-handle-deferred-scroll))) (set-marker (process-mark proc) (point)) (if 
(stringp decoded-substring) (progn (term-watch-for-password-prompt 
decoded-substring))) (if save-point (progn (goto-char save-point) (set-marker 
save-point nil))) (if (and term-pending-frame (eq ... ...)) (progn 
(term-display-line ... ...) (setq term-pending-frame nil))) (setq win selected) 
(while (window-minibuffer-p win) (setq win (next-window win nil t))) (setq 
last-win win) (while (progn (setq win ...) (if ... ...) (not ...))) (if (> 
term-buffer-maximum-size 0) (progn (save-excursion ... ... ... ...))) 
(set-marker save-marker nil)) (internal--after-save-selected-window 
  (save-current-buffer (set-buffer (process-buffer proc)) (let* ((i 0) funny 
decoded-substring save-point save-marker win (inhibit-read-only t) 
(buffer-undo-list t) (selected (selected-window)) last-win (str-length (length 
str))) (let ((save-selected-window--state 
(internal--before-save-selected-window))) (save-current-buffer (unwind-protect 
(progn (if (marker-buffer term-pending-delete-marker) (progn ... ...)) (if (/= 
... ...) (progn ...)) (setq term-vertical-motion (if ... ... ...)) (setq 
save-marker (copy-marker ...)) (goto-char (process-mark proc)) 
(save-restriction (if ... ...) (if term-log-buffer ...) (if 
term-terminal-undecoded-bytes ...) (while ... ... ...)) (if (>= ... 
term-height) (progn ...)) (set-marker (process-mark proc) (point)) (if (stringp 
decoded-substring) (progn ...)) (if save-point (progn ... ...)) (if (and 
term-pending-frame ...) (progn ... ...)) (setq win selected) (while 
(window-minibuffer-p win) (setq win ...)) (setq last-win win) (while (progn ... 
... ...)) (if (> term-buffer-maximum-size 0) (progn ...)) (set-marker 
save-marker nil)) (internal--after-save-selected-window 
save-selected-window--state))))) (if (get-buffer-window (current-buffer)) 
(progn (redisplay))))
  term-emulate-terminal(#<process terminal> 

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