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bug#55163: 29.0.50; master 4a1f69ebca (TICKS . HZ) for current-time brok

From: Paul Eggert
Subject: bug#55163: 29.0.50; master 4a1f69ebca (TICKS . HZ) for current-time broke lsp-mode
Date: Sat, 30 Apr 2022 13:51:24 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/91.8.1

On 4/30/22 03:00, Eli Zaretskii wrote:

That might mean we want a primitive that returns a list of files
sorted by modtime

Such a primitive would not be as useful. First, it's common for Emacs to look at files opportunistically: that is, Emacs doesn't know in advance all the files it will eventually look at, and so it can't give a primitive a list of files in advance. Second, it's common for Emacs to compare the timestamp of a file at time T1 with the timestamp of another (or the same) file at a later time T2. A primitive that accepts a list of files can't do that.

In contrast, a primitive that simply gives you a file's timestamp handles these use cases, and is considerably easier to describe and support.

will risk adding gobs of new APIs that rarely if ever used in

Yes, we don't want to do that. However the case for making improvements here is strong enough here that it's worth doing.

There are dozens of potential uses for the proposed (file-attributes FILE 'mtime) etc. improvement in Emacs right now, so it's an easy call that this API will get used.

There are also cases where the code now uses current-time and assumes that the resulting timestamps are issued in numeric order, an assumption that is not always true in practice. It'd be better for this code to use a monotonic clock instead. Admittedly the resulting misbehavior is rare (because it's rare that people adjust their machines' clocks), but Emacs shouldn't glitch out on me merely because I've corrected my laptop's time-of-day.

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