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bug#55322: 28.1; :base-uri not working for svg images on mac

From: Howard Melman
Subject: bug#55322: 28.1; :base-uri not working for svg images on mac
Date: Tue, 10 May 2022 20:17:32 -0400

On May 10, 2022, at 1:17 PM, Alan Third <alan@idiocy.org> wrote:
> Maybe try Jim's builds:
>    https://github.com/jimeh/emacs-builds
> I know SVG was working on them recently.

It works fine with this build and the latest version of osm.
The relevant portion of the image is below, so it is clear
that the :base-uri is working and is the same as what
didn't previously work for me.

My best guess is that the version from emacsformac
I was using had an old librsvg linked.


 7 8 (display (image :width 256 :height 256 :file 
"/Users/hmelman/.emacs.d/var/osm/default/17-39607-48480.png" :type png)) 8 9 
(display (image :width 256 :height 256 :type svg :base-uri 
"/Users/hmelman/.emacs.d/var/osm/default/17-39608-48480.png" :data "<svg 
width='256' height='256' version='1.1'
xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' xmlns:xlink='http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink'>
<image xlink:href='17-39608-48480.png' height='256' width='256'/>
<g fill='#80f' stroke='#208' stroke-width='9' transform='translate(221 156) 
scale(0.09) translate(-256 -512)'>
<path d='M256 0C167.641 0 96 71.625 96 160c0 24.75 5.625 48.219 15.672
69.125C112.234 230.313 256 512 256 512l142.594-279.375
C409.719 210.844 416 186.156 416 160C416 71.625 344.375
0 256 0z M256 256c-53.016 0-96-43-96-96s42.984-96 96-96
c53 0 96 43 96 96S309 256 256 256z'/>
<g fill='#80f' stroke='#208' stroke-width='9' transform='translate(221 156) 
scale(0.09) translate(-256 -512)'>
<path d='M256 0C167.641 0 96 71.625 96 160c0 24.75 5.625 48.219 15.672
69.125C112.234 230.313 256 512 256 512l142.594-279.375
C409.719 210.844 416 186.156 416 160C416 71.625 344.375
0 256 0z M256 256c-53.016 0-96-43-96-96s42.984-96 96-96
c53 0 96 43 96 96S309 256 256 256z'/>
</g></svg>" :map (((poly . [221 156 201 116 221 106 241 116]) osm-home 
(help-echo "Home" pointer hand)) ((poly . [221 156 201 116 221 106 241 116]) 
osm-home (help-echo "Home" pointer hand)))

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