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bug#58928: 29.0.50; overlays in org-mode are disrupted after call `org-c

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: bug#58928: 29.0.50; overlays in org-mode are disrupted after call `org-capture`
Date: Thu, 03 Nov 2022 23:47:07 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/29.0.50 (gnu/linux)

> 4. Now the .notes buffer is like this:
> * Tasks
> ** TODO test1...
> 5. Try step 2 again, now you will see the issue. Now the .notes buffer looks 
> like this:
> * Tasks
> ** TODO test1...TODO
>   [2022-11-03 Thu]
>   test1

With the latest changes I pushed, at the end of step 5 I see only:

    ** TODO test1...

This doesn't look completely right (the "..." hides both the "test1"
todo and the subsequent one), but I see exactly the same when
I try it on Emacs-28, so are you sure it's something that changed with
the new overlays code?

This behavior is different from the behavior I see in Emacs-27, where
I get:

    ** TODO test1...
    ** TODO test2
      [2022-11-03 Thu]

but the difference comes from where the invisible overlay is placed:
when the `.notes` buffer just contains:

    * Tasks
    ** TODO test1
      [2022-11-03 Thu]

if you hit TAB with cursor on the TODO line, in both Emacs-28/29 and
Emacs-27 I see:

    * Tasks
    ** TODO test1...

but if I `M->` to go to the end of buffer, I see that in Emacs-27, the
final LF character is not invisible (i.e. my cursor is displayed below
the "**") whereas with Emacs-28/29 my cursor ends up right after the


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