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bug#60479: =package-vc-selected-packages=

From: Colin McLear
Subject: bug#60479: =package-vc-selected-packages=
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2023 14:45:48 +0000
User-agent: mu4e 1.8.14; emacs 30.0.50

I pulled from emacs master today and now I can get the original code working. 
/But/, I tried with a different package, like so:

 (setq package-vc-selected-packages              
 :url "<https://github.com/egh/zotxt-emacs.git>" 
 :branch "master")))                             


and I get the following stacktrace:

 Debugger entered--Lisp error: (cl-assertion-failed ((package-vc-p pkg) nil))   
 cl--assertion-failed((package-vc-p pkg))                                       
 package-vc--version(#s(package-desc :name zotxt :version (20210908 402) 
:summary "Tools to integrate emacs with Zotero via the zotxt..." :reqs 
((request (0 3 2)) (deferred (0 5 1))) :kind tar :archive "melpa" :dir 
"/Users/roambot/.emacs.d/var/elpa/zotxt-20210908.40..." :extras ((:commit . 
"d344e7ac281a083f4e39e95b5664633a015e2b3b") (:authors ("Erik Hetzner" . 
"egh@e6h.org")) (:maintainer "Erik Hetzner" . "egh@e6h.org") (:keywords "bib")) 
:signed nil))                                                                   
 package-vc--generate-description-file(#s(package-desc :name zotxt :version 
(20210908 402) :summary "Tools to integrate emacs with Zotero via the zotxt..." 
:reqs ((request (0 3 2)) (deferred (0 5 1))) :kind tar :archive "melpa" :dir 
"/Users/roambot/.emacs.d/var/elpa/zotxt-20210908.40..." :extras ((:commit . 
"d344e7ac281a083f4e39e95b5664633a015e2b3b") (:authors ("Erik Hetzner" . 
"egh@e6h.org")) (:maintainer "Erik Hetzner" . "egh@e6h.org") (:keywords "bib")) 
:signed nil) "/Users/roambot/.emacs.d/var/elpa/zotxt-20210908.40...") 
 package-vc--unpack-1(#s(package-desc :name zotxt :version (20210908 402) 
:summary "Tools to integrate emacs with Zotero via the zotxt..." :reqs 
((request (0 3 2)) (deferred (0 5 1))) :kind tar :archive "melpa" :dir 
"/Users/roambot/.emacs.d/var/elpa/zotxt-20210908.40..." :extras ((:commit . 
"d344e7ac281a083f4e39e95b5664633a015e2b3b") (:authors ("Erik Hetzner" . 
"egh@e6h.org")) (:maintainer "Erik Hetzner" . "egh@e6h.org") (:keywords "bib")) 
:signed nil) "/Users/roambot/.emacs.d/var/elpa/zotxt-20210908.40...")           
 package-vc--unpack(#s(package-desc :name zotxt :version (20210908 402) 
:summary "Tools to integrate emacs with Zotero via the zotxt..." :reqs 
((request (0 3 2)) (deferred (0 5 1))) :kind tar :archive "melpa" :dir 
"/Users/roambot/.emacs.d/var/elpa/zotxt-20210908.40..." :extras ((:commit . 
"d344e7ac281a083f4e39e95b5664633a015e2b3b") (:authors ("Erik Hetzner" . 
"egh@e6h.org")) (:maintainer "Erik Hetzner" . "egh@e6h.org") (:keywords "bib")) 
:signed nil) (:url "<https://github.com/egh/zotxt-emacs.git>" :branch 
 (progn (package-vc-install-selected-packages))                                 
 funcall-interactively(eval-last-sexp nil)                                      

This package /does/ install normally if I just do:

 (unless (package-installed-p 'zotxt-emacs)                       
 (package-vc-install "<https://github.com/egh/zotxt-emacs.git>")) 

Please let me know if there is other information I can provide.



On 2023-02-13 at 20:01 UTC, Philip Kaludercic <philipk@posteo.net> wrote...
> Non-NU Email
> Colin McLear <mclear@unl.edu> writes:
>> Hi – I’m not sure if this is a bug or user ineptitude, but when trying
>> to use the package-vc functionality like so:
>> (setq package-vc-selected-packages
>>       '((capf-bibtex
>>          :url 
>> "<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/mclear-tools/capf-bibtex.git__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!DmhU_CroTe5ssC5YQFGK32EQz4JmYhCM-MrZmdoQD1oJxWwAiZ1DUmmalUE6KN4ZTHmQAuUZgUVd8g>$
>>  "
>>          :branch "main")))
>> (package-vc-install-selected-packages)
>> I get the error package-vc--unpack: Wrong type argument: package-desc,
>> nil. I’ve tried this with various other packages from github as well
>> and get the same error. The above seems to be just like the example
>> described in the info manual so I’m unsure what I could be doing
>> wrong. I should also say that the package installs just fine using
>> package-vc-install.
> I have recently fixed a few bugs and this appears to work on my machine.
> Can you check as well?
>> thanks,
>> Colin
>> –
>> Colin McLear
>> Associate Professor
>> Department of Philosophy
>> University of Nebraska–Lincoln
>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.colinmclear.net__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!DmhU_CroTe5ssC5YQFGK32EQz4JmYhCM-MrZmdoQD1oJxWwAiZ1DUmmalUE6KN4ZTHmQAuXfGhHsow>$

Colin McLear
Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy
University of Nebraska–Lincoln

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