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bug#62721: 30.0.50; EUDC: stop adding a wildcard to LDAP searches

From: Filipp Gunbin
Subject: bug#62721: 30.0.50; EUDC: stop adding a wildcard to LDAP searches
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2023 22:36:18 +0300
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

On 10/04/2023 21:09 +0200, Fabrice Bauzac-Stehly wrote:

> Hello,
> Sorry, I have not put sufficient information in my initial message.  In
> my case, I'm using eudc-query-form, where I know I can add wildcards to
> the fields if I want.  My complaint is about the fact that a wildcard is
> imposed on me in this case, with annoying consequences.  Thanks to your
> message, I understand though that this automatic wildcard may be useful
> in other contexts where `eudc-ldap-format-query-as-rfc1558' is called.
> Customizing `eudc-ldap-no-wildcard-attributes' would work in the sense
> that I could disable the wildcards in all cases, but I suspect this
> solution is not ideal as it would also disable it in the case of
> eudc-expand-inline where (as I understand from your message) it would
> actually be useful.
> I think that in the case of eudc-query-form, no wildcard should ever be
> added.  What do you think?  Should we pass some parameter so that
> eudc-ldap-format-query-as-rfc1558 knows what to do?
> Thanks!

To me, it's always useful to have wildcard.

Would this simple advice help in your case?  I tried it with mail,
replace it with your attributes.

(defun my/eudc-process-form (orig &rest args)
  (let ((eudc-ldap-no-wildcard-attributes
         (cons 'mail eudc-ldap-no-wildcard-attributes)))
    (apply orig args)))

(advice-add 'eudc-process-form :around #'my/eudc-process-form)


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