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bug#62794: 28.2; jit-lock-function enters busy loop when open """ near t

From: Jim Porter
Subject: bug#62794: 28.2; jit-lock-function enters busy loop when open """ near top of large Python program
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2023 19:49:29 -0700

On 4/12/2023 10:39 PM, Nick Urbanik wrote:
For me this is a really big problem, as it has happened in other cases
of editing Python programs, and it is a big slowdown and interruption
to my workflow to restart emacs with lots of frames open.  Emacs has
always been so solid till this.

You could try the python package available in GNU ELPA. It hasn't gotten an "official" release in a while, but the development archive has new versions: https://elpa.gnu.org/devel/python.html

This is the same code as what comes by default with an Emacs build. Maybe it would make sense to bump the version so that there's a new non-devel release on GNU ELPA. That way, anyone on an older Emacs can benefit from the fix for this issue.

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