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bug#73909: [PATCH 2/2] quail/greek.el: Add greek-polytonic.

From: Thanos Apollo
Subject: bug#73909: [PATCH 2/2] quail/greek.el: Add greek-polytonic.
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2024 15:57:24 +0300

Robert Pluim <rpluim@gmail.com> writes:

>>>>>> On Sun, 20 Oct 2024 22:35:36 +0300, Thanos Apollo via "Bug reports for 
>>>>>> GNU Emacs, the Swiss army knife of text editors" <bug-gnu-emacs@gnu.org> 
>>>>>> said:


>    Thanos> Git patches is not my area of expertise, if I've done anything 
> wrong
>    Thanos> feel free to correct me.

> The commit message needs to be in ChangeLog format. See 'Generating
> ChangeLog entries' in CONTRIBUTE in the Emacs sources for how to have
> Emacs help you with that, and 'Commit messages' for other
> recommendations. Since this is a new input method, thereʼs no need to
> describe every single detail.

Ok, will redo the patches and try out magit-generate-change-log & vc

> Thereʼs no need for entries that map to themselves.

Thanks for clarifying that, I had copied it from the "greek" input

>     Thanos> + ("; " ["’ "]) ;; U+2019 (apostrophe)
> Strictly speaking, thatʼs a RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK. Apostrophe is
> ?ʼ U+2BC

Indeed, but for some reason books in Greek & wikipedia[1] use U+2019.
I will be changing this to U+2BC, as it appears to be a better option.

>     Thanos> + (";C" ["’Ψ"])
> This seems like a lot of work just to prepend ’ to the basic
> letters. Perhaps just
> (";;" ?’)

";;" is already binded, since we are already using ";" as modifier for
vowels I thought to add it as apostrophe for consonants.  Maybe we can
add "|" for apostrophe but I'm not sure that it will feel natural.

These are all the combinations that you will see apostrophe in Greek.  I
will see if I can figure a way to free ";;" for apostrophe (U+2BC).

> instead would be more general (and easier to type).
>     Thanos> + ("QQ" ["“ ”"])
> Iʼd investigate `electric-quote-mode'.

If I only bind “ (U+201C) then ” (U+201D) is left unbound.  This was
the best compromise that I could come up with to have both with 1
keybinding, without using electric-pair etc.

They are not used in Greek, we use guillemets instead (« »).  I only
added them because "greek-ibycus4" has them, I guess for stylistic
purposes.  This binding is unnecessary and can be removed.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apostrophe

Thanos Apollo

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