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bug#73853: 31.0.50; Should and-let* become a synonym for when-let*?

From: Drew Adams
Subject: bug#73853: 31.0.50; Should and-let* become a synonym for when-let*?
Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2024 20:00:08 +0000

> (if-let ((a (does-an-a-exist?-then-return-it)))
>     (use a)
>   (do-something-else))

Is that the same as this?

(let ((a (does-an-a-exist?-then-return-it)))
  (if a (use a) (do-something-else)))

> (and-let* ((a (an-a-exists))
>            (b (b-depending-on-a-also-exists)))
>   (test-using a b))

Is that the same as this?

(let* ((a (an-a-exists))
       (b (b-depending-on-a-also-exists)))
  (and a b (test-using a b)))

or this?

(let* ((a (an-a-exists))
       (b (and a (b-depending-on-a-also-exists))))
  (and b (test-using a b)))

or something else?

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