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bug#73853: 31.0.50; Should and-let* become a synonym for when-let*?

From: Sean Whitton
Subject: bug#73853: 31.0.50; Should and-let* become a synonym for when-let*?
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 08:49:57 +0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)


I think that you are overstating the level of disagreement.  A lot of
the discussions we have been having have been academic.  We all agree
that the legacy single binding syntax should be removed (I noticed that
you didn't use that syntax anywhere in transient.el, when I updated it).

The only question then is how exactly to deprecate that syntax.  There
is not complete agreement on the method of deprecation.  But there never
was going to be: it was a case where a head maintainer just had to make
a choice about it, as Stefan did.

Those who disagree are often tempted to say that there should have been
more discussion.  But it is reasonable to think about whether it is
likely that further discussion would yield additional truth.  I think it
was clear to us here that, in this case, it would not.

And indeed, instead of pointing out some critical point that you think
we missed concerning this deprecation, in your message you instead wrote
about highly abstract issues in design.

The specific reason this change had to be backed out before has been
addressed, in the interim.  It was the time to do this.

Sean Whitton

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