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PSPP-BUG: [bug #24115] Crashes if END DATA is not left aligned.

From: John Darrington
Subject: PSPP-BUG: [bug #24115] Crashes if END DATA is not left aligned.
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2008 00:59:46 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20060607 Debian/1.7.12-1.2


                 Summary: Crashes if END DATA is not left aligned.
                 Project: PSPP
            Submitted by: jmd
            Submitted on: Fri Aug 22 08:59:45 2008
                Category: Syntax Parser
                Severity: 5 - Average
                  Status: None
             Assigned to: None
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any
                 Release: None
                  Effort: 0.00



This syntax causes a seg fault:

data list list /y * .
begin data.
 end data.

compute x=y.

Note that the line " end data." has a space on the left.  If this space is
removed, then the bug doesn't manifest itself.


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