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Re: PSPP-BUG: Copy rows and columns is not enabled in PSPP

From: Bastián Díaz
Subject: Re: PSPP-BUG: Copy rows and columns is not enabled in PSPP
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 17:11:34 -0700 (PDT)

I was reviewing the comment made Hugo, and I realized that the system to copy and paste if it works, but not as traditional (at least in the data view).
This is why one often copied as 1 case and then paste it into an empty row, however, there is no empty row.
For example if a case is copied and pasted into an existing one works perfectly.

Is it possible that when you paste information in a "empty" row at the same time, create a new row?, So have a space where you can paste the information.

Bastián Díaz

De: Hugo Alejandro <address@hidden>
Para: address@hidden
Enviado: Jueves, 3 de octubre, 2013 17:21:56
Asunto: PSPP-BUG: Copy rows and columns is not enabled in PSPP

Hello, today when trying to generate a larger file to send a sample file in *.Zsav file format, try copying several times the case information, or properties of variables from the grid in data editor. Although the option is available from the Edit menu, then select eg. an empty row and select paste from the edit menu, nothing happened.

I think the option to paste rows (variables) or columns (cases) is important as basic editing option. SPSS also supports the function if it is available in similar software (read spreadsheet) and a user would expect such functionality.

However, consider the following.
When copying partial information within the data grid, just copy the contents. So if you paste in new rows (data view), only paste the information and when pasted into new columns (data view), new variables are created with the default properties of the system.
When copying partial information within the data grid, just copy the contents. So if you paste in new rows (data view), only paste the information and when pasted into new columns (data view), new variables are created with the default properties of the system.
When you copy an entire case (row in data view), this is copied and pasted in an integrated manner.
When you copy a variable in the full two options.
a) In data view, you copy the entire column, and when you paste in a new column, hold data in an integrated manner, a new variable being created (new name) and keeping the same properties as the previously copied variable.
In view of variables, to copy a row and paste it into a new row there are two options:
1) Paste: It creates a new variable name and kept the same properties (no cases data)
2) Paste Variables: A new option in the edit menu called "paste variables", selecting this option displays a small box that automates the process and allows you to select how many variables paste (keeping the properties) and select rename.

This would greatly help to speed up the work with PSPP, since it is often necessary to create many variables with the same properties or copy data from one file to another, etc..

Hugo Valencia

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