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PSPP-BUG: [bug #59697] Unintelligible strings in PSPP 1.4.1

From: Ben Pfaff
Subject: PSPP-BUG: [bug #59697] Unintelligible strings in PSPP 1.4.1
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2020 22:18:16 -0500 (EST)
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Fedora; Linux x86_64; rv:83.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/83.0

Follow-up Comment #2, bug #59697 (project pspp):

Example output that include "Coding":

  Dependent Variable Encoding
│Original Value│Internal Value│
│4.000         │          .000│
│9.000         │         1.000│

      Case Processing Summary
│Unweighted Cases    │ N │Percent│
│Included in Analysis│400│ 100.0%│
│Missing Cases       │  0│    .0%│
│Total               │400│ 100.0%│

note: Estimation terminated at iteration number 4 because parameter estimates
changed by less than 0.001

                          Model Summary
│Step│-2 Log likelihood│Cox & Snell R Square│Nagelkerke R Square│
│1   │          458.517│                .098│               .138│

             Categorical Variables' Codings
│                         │         │ Parameter coding │
│                         │        
│                         │Frequency│ (1) │  (2) │ (3) │
│bcat                1.000│       61│    1│     0│    0│
│                    2.000│      151│    0│     1│    0│
│                    3.000│      121│    0│     0│    1│
│                    4.000│       67│    0│     0│    0│

                    Classification Table
│                          │           Predicted          │
│                          │     y     │                  │
│                          ├─────┬─────┤          
│       Observed           │4.000│9.000│Percentage Correct│
│Step 1 y      4.000       │  254│   19│             93.0%│
│              9.000       │   97│   30│             23.6%│
│       Overall Percentage │     │     │             71.0%│

              Variables in the Equation
│               │   B  │ S.E.│ Wald │df│Sig.│Exp(B)│
│Step 1 b1      │  .002│ .001│ 4.284│ 1│.038│ 1.002│
│       b2      │  .804│ .332│ 5.872│ 1│.015│ 2.235│
│       bcat    │      │     │20.895│ 3│.000│      │
│       bcat(1) │ 1.551│ .418│13.788│ 1│.000│ 4.718│
│       bcat(2) │  .876│ .367│ 5.706│ 1│.017│ 2.401│
│       bcat(3) │  .211│ .393│  .289│ 1│.591│ 1.235│
│       Constant│-5.541│1.138│23.709│ 1│.000│  .004│


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