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Re: new version of binutils does not print source with disassemble

From: Russell Cattelan
Subject: Re: new version of binutils does not print source with disassemble
Date: 19 Dec 2001 10:49:54 -0600

On Tue, 2001-12-18 at 04:45, Nick Clifton wrote:
> Hi Russell,
> > This is a simple little script that dumps out 
> > the disassembly intermixed with the source code.
> > The parameters match the stack strace of kdb (linux kernel debugger)
> > 
> > It works fine with binutils 
> > ib4[2:27pm]-=>objdump --version
> > GNU objdump 2.10.91
> > 
> > scare[1:09pm]-=>objdump  --version
> > GNU objdump 20011016
> > 
> > Has something simple and non obvious changed?
> What goes wrong with the new version ?
The source is no longer displayed.

> Which host and which target are you using ?
This is on linux i386
non working
 Linux version 2.4.16-xfs (address@hidden) (gcc version 2.96 20000731
(Mandrake Linux 8.2 2.96-0.68mdk)) #26 SMP Wed Dec 12 16:36:51 CST 2001

Linux version 2.4.4-64GB-SMP (address@hidden) (gcc version 2.95.3
20010315 (SuSE)) #1 SMP Fri May 18 14:54:08 GMT 2001

> Cheers
>         Nick
version 2.11
drive[10:45am]#odump dafsdev .text 0xe133e060 0xe135a990 0xe135aa50
+ '[' dafsdev = kernel ']'
+ find linux -name dafsdev.o -print
find: linux: No such file or directory
+ objdump --source -j .text --adjust-vma=0xe133e060
--start-address=0xe135a990 --stop-address=0xe135aa50 dafsdev.o

dafsdev.o:     file format elf32-i386

Disassembly of section .text:

e135a990 <KPostSend+0x20>:
e135a990:       00 00                   add    %al,(%eax)
e135a992:       53                      push   %ebx
e135a993:       8b 48 04                mov    0x4(%eax),%ecx
e135a996:       51                      push   %ecx
e135a997:       68 00 00 00 00          push   $0x0
e135a99c:       6a 00                   push   $0x0
e135a99e:       68 00 00 00 00          push   $0x0
e135a9a3:       e8 fc ff ff ff          call   e135a9a4 <KPostSend+0x34>
e135a9a8:       8b 94 24 d4 00 00 00    mov    0xd4(%esp,1),%edx
e135a9af:       83 c4 20                add    $0x20,%esp
e135a9b2:       66 8b 42 0c             mov    0xc(%edx),%ax
e135a9b6:       66 83 f8 01             cmp    $0x1,%ax
e135a9ba:       74 34                   je     e135a9f0 <KPostSend+0x80>
e135a9bc:       25 ff ff 00 00          and    $0xffff,%eax
e135a9c1:       52                      push   %edx
e135a9c2:       52                      push   %edx
e135a9c3:       50                      push   %eax
e135a9c4:       68 00 00 00 00          push   $0x0
e135a9c9:       e8 fc ff ff ff          call   e135a9ca <KPostSend+0x5a>
e135a9ce:       5d                      pop    %ebp
e135a9cf:       58                      pop    %eax
e135a9d0:       6a 23                   push   $0x23
e135a9d2:       68 00 00 00 00          push   $0x0
e135a9d7:       e8 fc ff ff ff          call   e135a9d8 <KPostSend+0x68>
e135a9dc:       0f 0b                   ud2a   
e135a9de:       83 c4 10                add    $0x10,%esp
e135a9e1:       b8 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%eax
e135a9e6:       e9 1c 01 00 00          jmp    e135ab07
e135a9eb:       90                      nop    
e135a9ec:       8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,1),%esi
e135a9f0:       8b bc 24 b4 00 00 00    mov    0xb4(%esp,1),%edi
e135a9f7:       8d 5c 24 10             lea    0x10(%esp,1),%ebx
e135a9fb:       b9 03 00 00 00          mov    $0x3,%ecx
e135aa00:       89 e8                   mov    %ebp,%eax
e135aa02:       8b 57 2c                mov    0x2c(%edi),%edx
e135aa05:       8b 77 20                mov    0x20(%edi),%esi
e135aa08:       89 df                   mov    %ebx,%edi
e135aa0a:       f3 ab                   repz stos %eax,%es:(%edi)
e135aa0c:       8d 86 00 00 00 40       lea    0x40000000(%esi),%eax
e135aa12:       89 54 24 18             mov    %edx,0x18(%esp,1)
e135aa16:       89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp,1)
e135aa1a:       c7 44 24 14 87 88 00    movl   $0x8887,0x14(%esp,1)
e135aa21:       00 
e135aa22:       57                      push   %edi
e135aa23:       57                      push   %edi
e135aa24:       52                      push   %edx
e135aa25:       50                      push   %eax
e135aa26:       56                      push   %esi
e135aa27:       68 00 00 00 00          push   $0x0
e135aa2c:       6a 00                   push   $0x0
e135aa2e:       68 00 00 00 00          push   $0x0
e135aa33:       e8 fc ff ff ff          call   e135aa34 <KPostSend+0xc4>
e135aa38:       83 c4 20                add    $0x20,%esp
e135aa3b:       b9 0e 00 00 00          mov    $0xe,%ecx
e135aa40:       8d 44 24 20             lea    0x20(%esp,1),%eax
e135aa44:       89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp,1)
e135aa48:       89 c7                   mov    %eax,%edi
e135aa4a:       89 e8                   mov    %ebp,%eax
e135aa4c:       f3 ab                   repz stos %eax,%es:(%edi)
e135aa4e:       8b 94 24 b4 00 00 00    mov    0xb4(%esp,1),%edx

version 2.10 

ib4[11:57am]-=>odump dafsdev .text 0xe133e060 0xe135a990 0xe135aa50
+ '[' dafsdev = kernel ']'
+ find linux -name dafsdev.o -print
find: linux: No such file or directory
+ objdump --source -j .text --adjust-vma=0xe133e060
--start-address=0xe135a990 --stop-address=0xe135aa50 dafsdev.o

dafsdev.o:     file format elf32-i386

Disassembly of section .text:

e135a990 <KPostSend+0x20>:
        int status, retv = KVIP_SUCCESS;
        uint64_t timeout = (1 << 20); /* some number for qpwait  clean
up later */

        KTR((&kTrace,0,"ENTER: KPostSend qpH 0x%x cq_h 0x%x length
e135a990:       00 00                   add    %al,(%eax)
e135a992:       53                      push   %ebx
e135a993:       8b 48 04                mov    0x4(%eax),%ecx
e135a996:       51                      push   %ecx
e135a997:       68 00 00 00 00          push   $0x0
e135a99c:       6a 00                   push   $0x0
e135a99e:       68 00 00 00 00          push   $0x0
e135a9a3:       e8 fc ff ff ff          call   e135a9a4 <KPostSend+0x34>
                 vip->qpH, cqp->cq_h, length));

        /* assume one sement for now */
        if (DescriptorPtr->CS.SegCount != 1){
e135a9a8:       8b 94 24 d4 00 00 00    mov    0xd4(%esp,1),%edx
e135a9af:       83 c4 20                add    $0x20,%esp
e135a9b2:       66 8b 42 0c             mov    0xc(%edx),%ax
e135a9b6:       66 83 f8 01             cmp    $0x1,%ax
e135a9ba:       74 34                   je     e135a9f0 <KPostSend+0x80>
                printk("KPostSend only supports one segment for now
e135a9bc:       25 ff ff 00 00          and    $0xffff,%eax
e135a9c1:       52                      push   %edx
e135a9c2:       52                      push   %edx
e135a9c3:       50                      push   %eax
e135a9c4:       68 00 00 00 00          push   $0x0
e135a9c9:       e8 fc ff ff ff          call   e135a9ca <KPostSend+0x5a>
e135a9ce:       5d                      pop    %ebp
e135a9cf:       58                      pop    %eax
e135a9d0:       6a 23                   push   $0x23
e135a9d2:       68 00 00 00 00          push   $0x0
e135a9d7:       e8 fc ff ff ff          call   e135a9d8 <KPostSend+0x68>
e135a9dc:       0f 0b                   ud2a   
e135a9de:       83 c4 10                add    $0x10,%esp
                retv = KVIP_INVALID_PARAMETER;
                return retv;
e135a9e1:       b8 02 00 00 00          mov    $0x2,%eax
e135a9e6:       e9 1c 01 00 00          jmp    e135ab07
e135a9eb:       90                      nop    
e135a9ec:       8d 74 26 00             lea    0x0(%esi,1),%esi

        length = DescriptorPtr->DS[0].Local.Length;
e135a9f0:       8b bc 24 b4 00 00 00    mov    0xb4(%esp,1),%edi
 * This looks horribly ugly, but the compiler can optimize it totally,
 * as we by now know that both pattern and count is constant..
static inline void * __constant_c_and_count_memset(void * s, unsigned
long pattern, size_t count)
e135a9f7:       8d 5c 24 10             lea    0x10(%esp,1),%ebx
        switch (count) {
                case 0:
                        return s;
                case 1:
                        *(unsigned char *)s = pattern;
                        return s;
                case 2:
                        *(unsigned short *)s = pattern;
                        return s;
                case 3:
                        *(unsigned short *)s = pattern;
                        *(2+(unsigned char *)s) = pattern;
                        return s;
                case 4:
                        *(unsigned long *)s = pattern;
                        return s;
#define COMMON(x) \
__asm__  __volatile__( \
        "rep ; stosl" \
        x \
        : "=&c" (d0), "=&D" (d1) \
        : "a" (pattern),"0" (count/4),"1" ((long) s) \
        : "memory")
        int d0, d1;
        switch (count % 4) {
                case 0: COMMON(""); return s;
e135a9fb:       b9 03 00 00 00          mov    $0x3,%ecx
e135aa00:       89 e8                   mov    %ebp,%eax
e135aa02:       8b 57 2c                mov    0x2c(%edi),%edx
        address = (void
e135aa05:       8b 77 20                mov    0x20(%edi),%esi
        : "memory")
        int d0, d1;
        switch (count % 4) {
                case 0: COMMON(""); return s;
e135aa08:       89 df                   mov    %ebx,%edi
e135aa0a:       f3 ab                   repz stos %eax,%es:(%edi)
 * These are pretty trivial
static inline unsigned long virt_to_phys(volatile void * address)
        return __pa(address);
e135aa0c:       8d 86 00 00 00 40       lea    0x40000000(%esi),%eax

        /* Create the gather/scatter list. */
        memset((void *)&glist, 0, sizeof(Cal_scatgat_entry_t));
        glist.local_address = (void *)virt_to_bus(address);
        glist.byte_count = length;
e135aa12:       89 54 24 18             mov    %edx,0x18(%esp,1)
e135aa16:       89 44 24 10             mov    %eax,0x10(%esp,1)
        glist.local_key = 0x8887;
e135aa1a:       c7 44 24 14 87 88 00    movl   $0x8887,0x14(%esp,1)
e135aa21:       00 

#if 0
        { int i ;
        uint8_t *ptr = address;
        for(i=0; i < length; i++){
                if(!(i % 16)) printk("\n");
                printk("0x%.2x %c ",*ptr, *ptr++);


        KTR((&kTrace, 0 ,"KPostSend: address 0x%p phy_addr 0x%p length
e135aa22:       57                      push   %edi
e135aa23:       57                      push   %edi
e135aa24:       52                      push   %edx
e135aa25:       50                      push   %eax
e135aa26:       56                      push   %esi
e135aa27:       68 00 00 00 00          push   $0x0
e135aa2c:       6a 00                   push   $0x0
e135aa2e:       68 00 00 00 00          push   $0x0
e135aa33:       e8 fc ff ff ff          call   e135aa34 <KPostSend+0xc4>

        /* fill in the cal request */
        memset((void *)&wr, 0, sizeof(Cal_wr_t));
e135aa38:       83 c4 20                add    $0x20,%esp
        : "memory")
        int d0, d1;
        switch (count % 4) {
                case 0: COMMON(""); return s;
e135aa3b:       b9 0e 00 00 00          mov    $0xe,%ecx
e135aa40:       8d 44 24 20             lea    0x20(%esp,1),%eax
e135aa44:       89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp,1)
e135aa48:       89 c7                   mov    %eax,%edi
e135aa4a:       89 e8                   mov    %ebp,%eax
e135aa4c:       f3 ab                   repz stos %eax,%es:(%edi)
        /* work_request_id  is a 64 bit value... for what reason
         * I don't know! but we are going to use it as an
         * opaque pointer
        wr.work_request_id = (Cal_wrid_t)(ptr_to_uint)DescriptorPtr;
e135aa4e:       8b 94 24 b4 00 00 00    mov    0xb4(%esp,1),%edx

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