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bug in param_cnt

From: Roman Putanowicz
Subject: bug in param_cnt
Date: Sat, 7 Feb 2004 22:59:12 +0100


I am using gawk gawk-3.1.3.

In the manual section describing dynamic extension the following
code fragment:

       /* check arg count */
         if (tree->param_cnt != 2)
         "stat: called with %d arguments, should be 2",

suggests that tree->param_cnt holds the actual number of 
parameters the function was called with.

Unfortunately from my experiments it turns out that 
tree->param_cnt holds not the actual number of parameters
but the number which was given to the make_builtin.

Here is the code I played with:

#include "awk.h"

static NODE *
foo(NODE *tree)
  printf("nargs : %d\n", tree->param_cnt);
  return tmp_number((AWKNUM) 0);

dlload(NODE *tree, void *dl)
  make_builtin("foo", foo, 23);
  return tmp_number((AWKNUM)0);

Compiled into dynamic extension in all circumstances
gives 'nargs : 23'.

I would appreciate any hints as how to fix that or how
to get the actual number of arguments.


Roman Putanowicz

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