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gettext-0.14.1 build fails to run csc

From: Alexandre Duret-Lutz
Subject: gettext-0.14.1 build fails to run csc
Date: Sun, 23 May 2004 18:43:37 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.1003 (Gnus v5.10.3) Emacs/21.3.50 (gnu/linux)

Hi Bruno,

I run across this problem when building gettext-0.14.1 today.

[configure output excerpt]
checking for preferred C# implementation... any
checking for C# compiler... csc
checking for C# program execution engine... no

[config.log excerpt]
configure:3645: checking for preferred C# implementation
configure:3655: result: any
configure:3676: checking for C# compiler
configure:3760: found /usr/bin/csc
configure:3808: result: csc

[make output excerpt]
Making all in intl-csharp
make[3]: Entering directory 
/bin/sh ../lib/csharpcomp.sh -O -g -o GNU.Gettext.dll ./intl.cs
csc: invalid option `-n'
make[3]: *** [GNU.Gettext.dll] Error 64

The problem is that on my host csc is not what you think it is.  See also

Using ./configure --disable-csharp did the trick.


% /usr/bin/csc -help
Usage: csc FILENAME|OPTION ...

  `csc' is a driver program for the CHICKEN compiler. Any Scheme or
  C files given on the command line are translated and compiled by 
  the host system's C compiler.

  General options:

    -h  -help                   display this text and exit
    -v                          show intermediate compilation stages
    -v2  -verbose               display information about translation progress
    -v3                         display information about all compilation stages
    -V  -version                display Scheme compiler version and exit

  File and pathname options:

    -o -output-file FILENAME    specifies target executable name
    -I -include-path PATHNAME   specifies alternative path for included files
    -to-stdout                  write compiler to stdout (implies -t)
    -s -shared -dynamic         generate dynamically loadable shared object file
    -static                     generate statically linked executable

  Language options:

    -D  -feature SYMBOL         register feature identifier
    -no-feature SYMBOL          unregister feature identifier
    -srfi-7                     process source file as SRFI-7 configuration
    -ffi-define SYMBOL          define preprocessor macro for ``easy'' FFI 
    -ffi-include-path PATH      set include path for ``easy'' FFI parser
    -slib                       enable SLIB support (needs additional files)
    -c++                        Compile via a C++ source file
    -ffi                        compile C/C++ code and generate Scheme bindings
    -r5rs                       equivalent to `-hygienic -strict'

  Syntax related options:

    -i -case-insensitive        don't preserve case of read symbols    
    -H -hygienic                use syntax-case macro package
    -K -keyword-style STYLE     allow alternative keyword syntax (prefix or 
    -strict                     disable non-standard macros and symbolsyntax
    -strict-srfi-0              disable non-standard macros except `cond-expand'
    -strict-reader              disable non-standard read syntax
    -strict-letrec              enable fully R5RS compliant `letrec'
    -compile-time-macros-only   low-level macros are not made available at 
    -hygienic-at-run-time       enable hygienic macros at run-time
    -H2                         identical to "-hygienic -hygienic-at-runtime"
    -visit FILENAME             reads and macroexpands source file FILENAME
    -R -require-for-syntax NAME load extension before compilation

  Translation options:

    -x  -explicit-use           do not use units `library' and `eval' by default
    -check-syntax               stop compilation after macro-expansion
    -A -analyze-only            stop compilation after first analysis pass

  Debugging options:

    -w  -no-warnings            disable warnings
    -d0 -d1 -debug-level NUMBER
                                set level of available debugging information
    -no-trace                   disable rudimentary debugging information
    -profile                    executable emits profiling information 

  Optimization options:

    -O -O1 -O2 -O3 -optimize-level NUMBER
                                enable certain sets of optimization options
    -optimize-leaf-routines     enable leaf routine optimization
    -U  -usual-integrations     assume standard procedures are not redefined
    -u  -unsafe                 disable safety checks
    -b  -block                  enable block-compilation
    -disable-interrupts         disable interrupts in compiled code
    -f  -fixnum-arithmetic      assume all numbers are fixnums
    -Ob  -benchmark-mode        fixnum mode, no interrupts and opt.-level 3
    -lambda-lift                perform lambda-lifting

  Configuration options:

    -unit NAME                  compile file as a library unit
    -uses NAME                  declare library unit as used.
    -heap-size NUMBER           specifies heap-size of compiled executable
    -heap-initial-size NUMBER   specifies heap-size at startup time
    -heap-growth PERCENTAGE     specifies growth-rate of expanding heap
    -heap-shrinkage PERCENTAGE  specifies shrink-rate of contracting heap
    -nursery NUMBER  -stack-size NUMBER
                                specifies nursery size of compiled executable
    -X -extend FILENAME         load file before compilation commences
    -prelude EXPRESSION         add expression to beginning of source file
    -postlude EXPRESSION        add expression to end of source file
    -prologue FILENAME          include file before main source file
    -epilogue FILENAME          include file after main source file

    -e  -embedded               compile as embedded (don't generate `main()')
    -windows                    compile as Windows GUI application (MSVC only)

  Options to other passes:

    -C OPTION                   pass option to C compiler
    -L OPTION                   pass option to linker
    -k                          keep intermediate files
    -c                          stop after compilation to object files
    -t                          stop after translation to C
    -cc COMPILER                select other C compiler than the default one
    -ld COMPILER                select other linker than the default one

  Obscure options:

    -debug MODES                display debugging output for the given modes
    -compiler PATHNAME          use other compiler than `/usr/bin/chicken'
    -compress-literals NUMBER   compile literals above threshold as strings

  Options can be collapsed if unambiguous, so


  is the same as

    -v -k -fixnum-arithmetic -optimize

Alexandre Duret-Lutz

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