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[Bug-gnubg] Wrong cube errors categories in analysis statistics panel

From: olivier croisille
Subject: [Bug-gnubg] Wrong cube errors categories in analysis statistics panel
Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2003 10:54:13 +0200

1/ I think somebody wanted to change the 2 analysis categories 'Missed/Wrong doubles around TG' to rename them 'Missed/Wrong doubles around CP' (cash point) : but at the moment both are shown in the stats panel, 'TG' and 'CP', eventhough they refer to the same thing (cf. stats panel copied at the end of post)

BTW, it seems to me the proper categories should be named as follows:
'Missed doubles around CP' : when in fact you should have cashed the position 'Wrong doubles around TG' : the position was intrisically too good, but you cashed

2/ In the same money game analysis, GNUBG classified my cube error in the 'Wrong doubles around CP' category. But this isn't right at all, it definitely was a 'Wrong doubles around DP' : cf. game file attached in SGF format, move #8 for French Kiss

French Kiss on GG

         GNU                  FRENCHKISS
Chequer Play Statistics:
Total moves                            22                   22
Unforced moves                          0                   20
Unmarked moves                         22                    0
Moves marked good                       0                   21
Moves marked doubtful                   0                    1
Moves marked bad                        0                    0
Moves marked very bad                   0                    0
Error rate (total)                    +0.000               -0.100 ( -0.144)
Error rate (per move)                  -0.0                 -5.0 ( -0.007)
Chequerplay rating                    n/a                  World class

Luck Statistics:
Rolls marked very lucky                 0                    0
Rolls marked lucky                      0                    1
Rolls unmarked                          0                   21
Rolls marked unlucky                    0                    0
Rolls marked very unlucky               0                    0
Luck rate (total)                     +0.000               +0.340 ( +0.017)
Luck rate (per move)                   +0.0                +15.4 ( +0.001)
Luck rating                           None                 None

Cube Statistics:
Total cube decisions                    1                    8
Close or actual cube decisions          1                    4
Doubles                                 0                    1
Takes                                   1                    0
Passes                                  0                    0
Missed doubles around DP                0                    0
Missed doubles around CP                0                    0
Missed doubles around TG                0                    0
Wrong doubles around DP                 0                    0
Wrong doubles around CP 0 1 (-0.055 ( -0.055
Wrong doubles around TG                 0                    0
Wrong takes                             0                    0
Wrong passes                            0                    0
Error rate (total)                    +0.000               -0.055 ( -0.055)
Error rate (per cube decision)         -0.0                -13.6 ( -0.014)
Cube decision rating                  Supernatural         Intermediate

Overall Statistics:
Error rate (total)                    +0.000               -0.154 ( -0.199)
Error rate (per decision)              -0.0                 -6.4 ( -0.008)
Equiv. Snowie error rate               -0.0                 -3.5
Overall rating                        Supernatural         Expert
Actual result                          -2.000               +2.000
Luck adjusted result                   -1.983               +1.983

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Attachment: 2003-09-30-GNU-FRENCHKISS-0.sgf
Description: Binary data

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