The files found here are obsolete. ================================== They will go away with the publishing of the 3.1 release candidate. If you need to use a specific version of a nightly build: please self-host it. GnuCOBOL nightly builds can be found at the [CI build][1], which is automatically triggered on each build and a failure in generation of the internal files or building or packaging the sources will raise a fail - therefore those contain only "working" tarball. Those CI builds include the full source tarball of every recent "working" build (click on "Image: Ubuntu1804" to see/check console and then on "Artifacts" to get the source tarballs). Deep links to the latest working builds: * [gnucobol-3.1-dev.tar.xz]( * [gnucobol-3.1-dev.tar.lz]( * [gnucobol-3.1-dev.tar.gz]( Files to compile in non-posix environment (see build_windows/README.txt about how to use it): * []( Documentation only (included in the tarballs above) * [gnucobol.pdf]( [1]: