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Re: Build error due to missing locale_t on IBM z/OS

From: Daniel Richard G.
Subject: Re: Build error due to missing locale_t on IBM z/OS
Date: Sun, 08 Oct 2017 18:17:49 -0400

Hi Bruno,

On Sun, 2017 Oct  8 10:53+0200, Bruno Haible wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> > I tested the latest tree on z/OS, and encountered this compile
> > error:
> Since you are the only one here on this list who has access to z/OS,
> we need more details in order to perform the analysis:
> 1) What is 'xlc-wrap', compared to 'xlc'? (I'd like to know if
>    something is missing in Autoconf or gnulib-common.m4.)

xlc-wrap is my own script. It is quite simple:

    exec xlc -qnosearch "$@" -qsearch=/usr/include

It is used to work around a non-standard behavior of the compiler, where
/usr/include/ is effectively first in the header search path (before any
-I directories). Obviously an issue for Gnulib's replacement headers.

I haven't gotten around yet to submitting this issue formally to Gnulib.
For an example of how such a workaround can be integrated, look at
AC_ZOS_USS in m4/arch.m4 in the GNU Gawk source. It's fairly
comprehensive in addressing the toolchain weirdness of z/OS.

> 2) 
> > ERROR CCN3166 ./locale.h:648   Definition of function locale_t requires 
> > parentheses.
> > ERROR CCN3276 ./locale.h:648   Syntax error: possible missing '{'?
> Can you show the lines around 648 in the generated locale.h?
> Unfortunately the line numbers in locale.h and locale.in.h are not
> the same.

Line 648 is marked below:

-----begin locale.h excerpt-----
#if 1
# if 1
#  if !(defined __cplusplus && defined GNULIB_NAMESPACE)
#   undef duplocale
#   define duplocale rpl_duplocale
#  endif
_GL_FUNCDECL_RPL (duplocale, locale_t, (locale_t locale) _GL_ARG_NONNULL 
((1))); <---HERE
_GL_CXXALIAS_RPL (duplocale, locale_t, (locale_t locale));
# else
#  if 1
_GL_CXXALIAS_SYS (duplocale, locale_t, (locale_t locale));
#  endif
# endif
# if 1
_GL_CXXALIASWARN (duplocale);
-----end locale.h excerpt-----

When I looked at the preprocessed source, the first mention of locale_t
came from that line. So it seems that while all other systems provide
locale_t, z/OS is an exception.

> 3)
> > ERROR CCN3273 /usr/include/stdlib.h:64    Missing type in declaration of 
> > div_t.
> > ERROR CCN3166 /usr/include/stdlib.h:544   Definition of function div_t 
> > requires parentheses.
> Can you show the lines around 64 and 544 in /usr/include/stdlib.h?


-----begin stdlib.h excerpt-----
  #if __TARGET_LIB__ >= __EDC_LE
    typedef struct __div_t
    typedef struct div_t
      int quot;        /* quotient of integer division       */
      int rem;         /* remainder of integer division      */
      } div_t; <---HERE
    int      wctomb ();
    size_t   mbstowcs ();
    size_t   wcstombs ();
    div_t    div (int, int); <---HERE
    long int labs (long int);
    ldiv_t   ldiv (long int, long int);
-----end stdlib.h excerpt-----

These errors are probably cascaded from the earlier syntax error, so I
wouldn't worry about them for now.


Daniel Richard G. || address@hidden
My ASCII-art .sig got a bad case of Times New Roman.

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