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RE: Bug in NSTextView delegate

From: Jan Trembulak
Subject: RE: Bug in NSTextView delegate
Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2001 10:17:23 +0100

Hi, on Openstep for Mach 4.2 this notification is send only when text is

For example: when user type wrong text (character) I want to change color of
text. When I change color in notification method, this method is invoked
ones more (becouse it is selector of observer of
NSTextDidChangeNotification) and after several calls application crashed.

I thing that changeing of color of NSText is not change of characters in
NSText, so that why the NSTextDidChangeNotification should not be sended.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nicola Pero [mailto:n.pero@mi.flashnet.it]
> Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2001 10:47 AM
> To: Jan Trembulak
> Cc: bug-gnustep@gnu.org
> Subject: Re: Bug in NSTextView delegate
>     Jan> Hi, I thing that NSTextView sends
>     Jan> 'NSTextDidChangeNotification' also in cases, when the text
>     Jan> are not changed (for example, when I change color of text or
>     Jan> font of text).
> The documentation I have says that this is correct, at least it is
> what happens on recent Apple systems ...
> Do you have any evidence that it is not correct ?

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